
上传者: sdjnsyj | 上传时间: 2021-10-18 22:37:03 | 文件大小: 18.55MB | 文件类型: -
Universal Data Access Components History 7.4.12 21-Jan-19 Bug with using the datetime literals in SQL statements in TVirtualQuery is fixed Bug with AV failure in the Refresh method in RAD Studio 10.2 Tokyo on Linux is fixed Oracle data provider Bug with authentication of old users in Oracle 12c is fixed Bug with the DML arrays that contain the TIMESTAMP values is fixed Bug with describe of SYNONYM for stored procedures in the Direct mode is fixed Bug with fetch data when the FieldsAsString option is set to True in the Direct mode is fixed Bug with open REFCURSOR is fixed SQLServer data provider Bug with the "Cannot modify a read-only dataset" error in Android is fixed MySQL data provider Bug with setting the data type of the parameter to BOOLEAN for all TINYINT system data types in the functions is fixed PostgreSQL data provider Bug with reading and writing of the floating point values is fixed InterBase data provider Bug with using the AsBytes property is fixed Bug with the AV failure when using the BLOB data type in Lazarus is fixed SQLite data provider Now the Direct mode is based on the SQLite engine version 3.26.0 DBF data provider Bug with wrong selection of deleted records is fixed Bug with storing numeric values is fixed Bug with using the CTOD, DTOC, DTOS, TTOC, TTOD and EMPTY functions in index expressions is fixed Bug with using a field named RECNO in the index expressions is fixed MongoDB data provider Bug with reading string values in the BSON format is fixed NexusDB data provider Bug with missing files for NexusDB for RAD Studio Rio (10.3) is fixed ODBC data provider The UnknownAsSring specific option is added



  • yun03 :
  • zyxgd :
  • honeyatelier :


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