DDKWizard 安装包及ddkbuild_cmd,ddkbuild_bat(用于DDK开发环境搭建)

上传者: rendao0563 | 上传时间: 2019-12-21 20:59:51 | 文件大小: 558KB | 文件类型: zip
DDKWizard is a so-called project creation wizard that allows you to create projects that use the DDKBUILD scripts from OSR (also available in the download section from this site). The wizard will give you several options to configure your project prior to the creation. Have a look at figure 1. Figure 2: Project creation dialog (click to enlarge) Instead of forcing you to use a subset of options and specific DDKs this wizard lets you choose what you want. Of course the template files are predefined and so is the content of the project(s) within certain limits. However, I tried to choose the best options that I could think of and provide a way to create quickly and easily the DDKBUILD project you want. This means that I tried to leave out those things that may limit your choice lateron and add other options that will give you the flexibility to change options quickly long after the project was created. DDKWizard adds a new subfolder in the project creation wizard - see figure 2 - and presents all supported project types there. Currently these are Driver, Empty Driver, Native Application, Win32 console application and Win32 DLL. In either case you just choose the type of project to create, give the name of the project and/or solution as well as other options (at the bottom) and you are being presented the wizard dialog (see figure 1). From the wizard dialog you choose the DDKBUILD script you want to use, the DDK or multiple DDKs as well as the other options. If you are curious about the Property Sheet feature, please download the manual and read the respective section there. Compatibility DDKWizard (1.2.0a) has been tested on the following configurations: Visual Studio Professional .NET with WNET DDK and DDKBUILD.CMD on Windows 2003 Server R2 Standard Visual Studio Professional .NET 2003 with WNET DDK and DDKBUILD.CMD on Windows 2003 Server R2 Standard Visual C++ 2005 Express with WNET DDK and DDKBUILD.CMD on Windows 2003 Server R2 Standard Visual Studio 2005 P



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