
上传者: ramissue | 上传时间: 2021-08-16 14:57:14 | 文件大小: 24.4MB | 文件类型: PDF
This tutorial reference takes the reader from use cases to complete architectures for real-time embedded systems using SysML, UML, and MARTE and shows how to apply the COMET/RTE design method to real-world problems. The author covers key topics such as architectural patterns for distributed and hierarchical real-time control and other real-time software architectures, performance analysis of real-time designs using real-time scheduling, and timing analysis on single and multiple processor systems. Complete case studies illustrating design issues include a light rail control system, a microwave oven control system, and an automated highway toll system. Organized as an introduction followed by several self-contained chapters, the book is perfect for experienced software engineers wanting a quick reference at each stage of the analysis, design, and development of large-scale real-time embedded systems, as well as for advanced undergraduate or graduate courses in software engineering, computer engineering, and software design. Table of Contents Part I: Overview Chapter 1. Introduction Chapter 2. Overview of UML, SysML, and MARTE Chapter 3. Real-Time Software Design and Architecture Concepts Part II: Real-Time Software Design Method Chapter 4. Overview of Real-Time Software Design Method for Embedded Systems Chapter 5. Structural Modeling for Real-Time Embedded Systems with SysML and UML Chapter 6. Use Case Modeling for Real-Time Embedded Systems Chapter 7. State Machines for Real-Time Embedded Systems Chapter 8. Object and Class Structuring for Real-Time Embedded Software Chapter 9. Dynamic Interaction Modeling for Real-Time Embedded Software Chapter 10. Software Architectures for Real-Time Embedded Systems Chapter 11. Software Architectural Patterns for Real-Time Embedded Systems Chapter 12. Component-Based Software Architectures for Real-Time Embedded Systems Chapter 13. Concurrent Real-Time Software Task Design Chapter 14. Detailed Real-Time Software Design Chapter




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