
上传者: ramissue | 上传时间: 2021-08-05 10:24:18 | 文件大小: 2.12MB | 文件类型: EPUB
Computer Network Simulations Using NS2 provides a solid foundation of computer networking knowledge and skills, covering everything from simple operating system commands to the analysis of complex network performance metrics. The book begins with a discussion of the evolution of data communication techniques and the fundamental issues associated with performance evaluation. After presenting a preliminary overview of simulation and other performance evaluation techniques, the authors: Describe a number of computer network protocols and TCP/IP and OSI models, highlighting the networking devices used Explain a socket and its use in network programming, fostering the development of network applications using C and socket API Introduce the NS2 network simulator, exhibiting its internal architecture, constituent software packages, and installation in different operating systems Delve into simulation using NS2, elaborating on the use of Tcl and OTcl scripts as well as AWK scripting and plotting with Gnuplot Show how to simulate wired and wireless network protocols step by step, layer by layer Explore the idea of simulating very large networks, identifying the challenges associated with measuring and graphing the various network parameters Include nearly 90 example programs, scripts, and outputs, along with several exercises requiring application of the theory and programming Computer Network Simulations Using NS2 emphasizes the implementation and simulation of real-world computer network protocols, affording readers with valuable opportunities for hands-on practice while instilling a deeper understanding of how computer network protocols work. Table of Contents Chapter 1 Introduction Chapter 2 Network Protocols Chapter 3 Network Programming Using Socket API Chapter 4 Introduction to NS2 Chapter 5 Basics of Protocol Simulation Using NS2 Chapter 6 Wired Network Simulation Chapter 7 Wireless Network Simulation




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