
上传者: ramissue | 上传时间: 2019-12-21 20:59:16 | 文件大小: 8.14MB | 文件类型: pdf
Ideal for graduate and senior undergraduate courses in computer arithmetic and advanced digital design, Computer Arithmetic: Algorithms and Hardware Designs, Second Edition, provides a balanced, comprehensive treatment of computer arithmetic. It covers topics in arithmetic unit design and circuit implementation that complement the architectural and algorithmic speedup techniques used in high-performance computer architecture and parallel processing. Using a unified and consistent framework, the text begins with number representation and proceeds through basic arithmetic operations, floating-point arithmetic, and function evaluation methods. Later chapters cover broad design and implementation topics-including techniques for high-throughput, low-power, fault-tolerant, and reconfigurable arithmetic. An appendix provides a historical view of the field and speculates on its future. An indispensable resource for instruction, professional development, and research, Computer Arithmetic: Algorithms and Hardware Designs, Second Edition, combines broad coverage of the underlying theories of computer arithmetic with numerous examples of practical designs, worked-out examples, and a large collection of meaningful problems. This second edition includes a new chapter on reconfigurable arithmetic, in order to address the fact that arithmetic functions are increasingly being implemented on field-programmable gate arrays (FPGAs) and FPGA-like configurable devices. Updated and thoroughly revised, the book offers new and expanded coverage of saturating adders and multipliers, truncated multipliers, fused multiply-add units, overlapped quotient digit selection, bipartite and multipartite tables, reversible logic, dot notation, modular arithmetic, Montgomery modular reduction, division by constants, IEEE floating-point standard formats, and interval arithmetic. Features: * Divided into 28 lecture-size chapters * Emphasizes both the underlying theories of computer arithmetic and actua



  • hubeigaokao :
  • weixin_38578580 :
  • YT_SEU :
    不是影印版本 但是目录全是乱码
  • MinnieCCMM :
  • jiayou0909 :


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