
上传者: ramissue | 上传时间: 2021-12-15 17:03:41 | 文件大小: 5.34MB | 文件类型: -
Title: JavaScript Application Design: A Build First Approach Author: Nicolas Bevacqua Length: 344 pages Edition: 1 Language: English Publisher: Manning Publications Publication Date: 2015-02-16 ISBN-10: 1617291951 ISBN-13: 9781617291951 Summary JavaScript Application Design: A Build First Approach introduces JavaScript developers to techniques that will improve the quality of their software as well as their web development workflow. You'll begin by learning how to establish build processes that are appropriate for JavaScript-driven development. Then, you'll walk through best practices for productive day-to-day development, like running tasks when your code changes, deploying applications with a single command, and monitoring the state of your application once it's in production. Purchase of the print book includes a free eBook in PDF, Kindle, and ePub formats from Manning Publications. About the Book The fate of most applications is often sealed before a single line of code has been written. How is that possible? Simply, bad design assures bad results. Good design and effective processes are the foundation on which maintainable applications are built, scaled, and improved. For JavaScript developers, this means discovering the tooling, modern libraries, and architectural patterns that enable those improvements. JavaScript Application Design: A Build First Approach introduces techniques to improve software quality and development workflow. You'll begin by learning how to establish processes designed to optimize the quality of your work. You'll execute tasks whenever your code changes, run tests on every commit, and deploy in an automated fashion. Then you'll focus on designing modular components and composing them together to build robust applications. This book assumes readers understand the basics of JavaScript. What's Inside Automated development, testing, and deployment processes JavaScript fundamentals and modularity best practices Modular, maintainable, and well-tested applications Master asynchronous flows, embrace MVC, and design a REST API About the Author Nicolas Bevacqua is a freelance developer with a focus on modular JavaScript, build processes, and sharp design. He maintains a blog at Table of Contents Part 1 Build Processes Chapter 1 Introduction To Build First Chapter 2 Composing Build Tasks And Flows Chapter 3 Mastering Environments And The Development Workflow Chapter 4 Release, Deployment, And Monitoring Part 2 Managing Complexity Chapter 5 Embracing Modularity And Dependency Management Chapter 6 Understanding Asynchronous Flow Control Methods In Javascript Chapter 7 Leveraging The Model-View-Controller Chapter 8 Testing Javascript Components Chapter 9 Rest Api Design And Layered Service Architectures Appendix A Modules In Node.Js Appendix B Introduction To Grunt Appendix C Picking Your Build Tool Appendix D Javascript Code Quality Guide



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