
上传者: ramissue | 上传时间: 2021-12-08 18:18:08 | 文件大小: 6.04MB | 文件类型: -
Shell scripting is a way to harness and customize the power of any Unix system, and an essential skill for Unix users, system administrators, and even professional Mac OS X developers. But beneath this simple promise lies a treacherous ocean of variations in Unix commands and standards. This thoroughly revised edition of bash Cookbook teaches shell scripting the way Unix masters practice the craft. Three Unix veterans present a variety of recipes and tricks for all levels of shell programmers so that anyone can become a proficient user of the most common Unix shell—the bash shell—and cygwin or other popular Unix emulation packages. This cookbook is full of useful scripts that readers can use right away, along with examples that explain how to create better scripts. Table of Contents Chapter 1. Beginning Bash Chapter 2. Standard Output Chapter 3. Standard Input Chapter 4. Executing Commands Chapter 5. Basic Scripting: Shell Variables Chapter 6. Shell Logic And Arithmetic Chapter 7. Intermediate Shell Tools I Chapter 8. Intermediate Shell Tools Ii Chapter 9. Finding Files: Find, Locate, Slocate Chapter 10. Additional Features For Scripting Chapter 11. Working With Dates And Times Chapter 12. End-User Tasks As Shell Scripts Chapter 13. Parsing And Similar Tasks Chapter 14. Writing Secure Shell Scripts Chapter 15. Advanced Scripting Chapter 16. Configuring And Customizing Bash Chapter 17. Housekeeping And Administrative Tasks Chapter 18. Working Faster By Typing Less Chapter 19. Tips And Traps: Common Goofs For Novices Appendix A Reference Lists Appendix B Examples Included With Bash Appendix C Command-Line Processing Appendix D Revision Control



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