上传者: ramissue | 上传时间: 2021-11-15 11:53:20 | 文件大小: 10.98MB | 文件类型: -
A front-line industry insider's look at the financial technology explosion The FINTECH Book is your primary guide to the financial technology revolution, and the disruption, innovation and opportunity therein. Written by prominent thought leaders in the global fintech investment space, this book aggregates diverse industry expertise into a single informative volume to provide entrepreneurs, bankers and investors with the answers they need to capitalize on this lucrative market. Key industry developments are explained in detail, and critical insights from cutting-edge practitioners offer first-hand information and lessons learned. The financial technology sector is booming, and entrepreneurs, bankers, consultants, investors and asset managers are scrambling for more information: Who are the key players? What's driving the explosive growth? What are the risks? This book collates insights, knowledge and guidance from industry experts to provide the answers to these questions and more. Get up to speed on the latest industry developments Grasp the market dynamics of the 'fintech revolution' Realize the sector's potential and impact on related industries Gain expert insight on investment and entrepreneurial opportunities The fintech market captured over US$14 billion in 2014, a three-fold increase from the previous year. New startups are popping up at an increasing pace, and large banks and insurance companies are being pushed toward increasing digital operations in order to survive. The financial technology sector is booming and The FINTECH Book is the first crowd-sourced book on the subject globally, making it an invaluable source of information for anybody working in or interested in this space. Table of Contents Chapter 1. Introduction Chapter 2. FinTech Themes Chapter 3. FinTech Hubs Chapter 4. Emerging Markets and Social Impact Chapter 5. FinTech Solutions Chapter 6. Capital and Investment Chapter 7. Enterprise Innovation Chapter 8. More Success Stories Chapter



  • lcz_12321_lcz :
  • craigm :
  • bioslai :
    少見的fintech 書籍...great!


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