Oracle Database 12c Release 2 Real Application Clusters Handbook

上传者: qy89748 | 上传时间: 2021-08-18 12:05:34 | 文件大小: 66.94MB | 文件类型: PDF
February 27, 2018 Master Oracle Database 12c Release 2 Real Application Clusters with this comprehensive, fully updated guide Now you can maintain a dynamic enterprise computing infrastructure with expert instruction from an Oracle ACE. Oracle Database 12c Release 2 Real Application Clusters Handbook: Concepts, Administration, Tuning, and Troubleshooting has been thoroughly revised and updated to cover the latest tools and features. Find out how to prepare your hardware, deploy Oracle Real Application Clusters, and integrate seamless failover protection. Troubleshooting, performance tuning, and application development are also discussed in this comprehensive Oracle Press guide. •Install and configure Oracle Database 12c Release 2 Real Application Clusters •Configure and manage disk groups using Oracle Automatic Storage Management •Work with services, voting disks, and Oracle Clusterware repository •Diagnose performance problems with Oracle Wait Interface •Look under the hood of Cache Fusion and Global Resource Directory operations •Explore the internal workings of backup and recovery in Oracle Real Application Clusters •Employ workload balancing and Transparent Application Failover •Troubleshoot Oracle Clusterware using advanced diagnostics •Develop custom Oracle Real Application Clusters applications



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