
上传者: qqnokia | 上传时间: 2021-04-11 22:10:10 | 文件大小: 1.47MB | 文件类型: ZIP
最新版本iperf,官网下载直接编译,适合win10系统。 iperf 3.9 (cJSON 1.7.13) CYGWIN_NT-10.0-19041 LAPTOP-4KUBOSU3 3.2.0-340.x86_64 2021-03-29 08:42 UTC x86_64 Optional features available: CPU affinity setting Usage: iperf3 [-s|-c host] [options] iperf3 [-h|--help] [-v|--version] Server or Client: -p, --port # server port to listen on/connect to -f, --format [kmgtKMGT] format to report: Kbits, Mbits, Gbits, Tbits -i, --interval # seconds between periodic throughput reports -F, --file name xmit/recv the specified file -A, --affinity n/n,m set CPU affinity -B, --bind bind to the interface associated with the address -V, --verbose more detailed output -J, --json output in JSON format --logfile f send output to a log file --forceflush force flushing output at every interval --timestamps emit a timestamp at the start of each output line (using optional format string as per strftime(3)) -d, --debug emit debugging output -v, --version show version information and quit -h, --help show this message and quit Server specific: -s, --server run in server mode -D, --daemon run the server as a daemon -I, --pidfile file write PID file -1, --one-off handle one client connection then exit --server-bitrate-limit #[KMG][/#] server's total bit rate limit (default 0 = no limit) (optional slash and number of secs interval for averaging total data rate. Default is 5 seconds) Client specific: -c, --client run in client mode, connecting to -u, --udp use UDP rather than TCP --connect-timeout # timeout for control connection setup (ms) -b, --bitrate #[KMG][/#] target bitrate in bits/sec (0 for unlimited)



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