
上传者: 39162487 | 上传时间: 2021-04-03 09:02:57 | 文件大小: 1.62MB | 文件类型: DOC
High flourishing today in the information, the each work link that the cabaret business involve has already no longer been a traditional accommodation only, balance of accounts business, but more wide, the more overall service profession representative.The cabaret guest house is a service profession, from the marketing of the guest room namely the guest schedule to start, arrive go into register keep to check out the close book till the last, the whole process should can the body take guest as the center now, providing the fast convenience service, feeling a kind of customer to the guest to enjoy highestly, exaltation management level, simplify various complications operation, at most the in a short time completes the cabaret business norm operation, then can make the traveller comfortable and difficult to forget thus. Systems to meet customer needs from the perspective of the process to achieve the hotel management. System's main functions include billing FIT, group billing, guest checkout, room reservations, business inquiries, customer management, network settings, system settings, etc. When users want to stay at the hotel waiting time will be greatly reduced, the operator can easily register the user information and the management of the state of rooms, the hotel management system in order to achieve efficient and accurate. Keywords Database; Hotel Management System; MyEclipse6.5




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