
上传者: 33373173 | 上传时间: 2021-04-11 11:54:21 | 文件大小: 519KB | 文件类型: PDF
StrangeIoC官网文档翻译,A lightweight, extensible Inversion-of-Control micro-framework, written specifically for C# and Unity。 Key features * Core framework lets you bind anything to anything * Dependency Injection: Map singletons, values, factories and names; Setter/constructor DI; DI MonoBehaviours; Tag preferred constructor; Postconstruct; Polymorphic binding; Performant reflection * Shared event bus: communicate with any point in your app * Map events to Commands/Sequences to separate business logic * View mediation * Optional MVCS * Multiple contexts with cross-context bus * Don't see just what you need? Easy to extend! In addition to organizing your project, Strange offers these benefits: * Designed to play well with Unity; also designed to play well without it * Improves code portability and testability * Information flow easy and decoupled * Multiple contexts allow you to bootstrap subcomponents so they work alone or integrated; speeds development * Includes two example projects




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