华中科技大学出品的应用语言学与统计学的研究方法课程完整精品版SPSS数据分析数据挖掘全套英文PPT课程(共47页)11 相关与多元回归.ppt

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Pearson Correlation The Pearson correlation allows us to establish the strength of relationships between continuous variables. To show the relationship, the first step is to draw a scatterplot or scattergram, which can help us to obtain a preliminary understanding of this relationship. The scatterplot can be described in terms of direction, strength and linearity. Correlation and SPSS Pearson product-moment coefficient is designed for interval level (continuous) variables. It can also be used if you have one continuous variable (e.g., scores on a measure of self-esteem) and one dichotomous variable (e.g., sex: M/F). Spearman rank order correlation is designed for use with ordinal level or ranked data. SPSS will calculate two types of correlation. First, it will give a simple bivariate correlation (which just means between two variables), also known as zero-order correlation. SPSS will also explore the relationship between two variables, while controlling for another variable. This is known as partial correlation.




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