上传者: 21794157
上传时间: 2021-10-18 17:03:22
文件大小: 477KB
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0.8V Reference Ultra Low Dropout (0.2V@5A) Linear Regulator
The APL5912 is a 5A ultra low dropout linear regulator.
This product is specifically designed to provide well
supply voltage for front-side-bus termination on
motherboard and NB applications. The IC needs two
supply voltages, a control voltage for the circuitry and
a main supply volatege for power conversion, to reduce
power dissipation and provide extremely low dropout.
The APL5912 integrates many functions. A Power-On-
Reset (POR) circuit monitors both supply voltages to
prevent wrong operations. A thermal shutdown and
current limit functions protect the device against
thermal and current over-loads. A POK indicates the
output status with time delay which is set internally. It
can control other converter for power sequence. The
APL5912 can be enabled by other power system.
Pulling and holding the EN pin below 0.3V shuts off
the output.
The APL5912 is available in SOP-8-P package which
features small size as SOP-8 and an Exposed Pad to
reduce the junction-to-case resistance, being applicable
in 2~3W applications.