
上传者: python2007cn | 上传时间: 2019-12-21 20:28:05 | 文件大小: 18.55MB | 文件类型: gz
Version 7.3.6 30 May 2019 cURL: Implemented FR #72189 (Add missing CURL_VERSION_* constants). EXIF: Fixed bug #77988 (heap-buffer-overflow on php_jpg_get16) (CVE-2019-11040). FPM: Fixed bug #77934 (php-fpm kill -USR2 not working). Fixed bug #77921 ( doesn't work anymore). GD: Fixed bug #77943 (imageantialias($image, false); does not work). Fixed bug #77973 (Uninitialized read in gdImageCreateFromXbm) (CVE-2019-11038). Iconv: Fixed bug #78069 (Out-of-bounds read in iconv.c:_php_iconv_mime_decode() due to integer overflow) (CVE-2019-11039). JSON: Fixed bug #77843 (Use after free with json serializer). Opcache: Fixed possible crashes, because of inconsistent PCRE cache and opcache SHM reset. PDO_MySQL: Fixed bug #77944 (Wrong meta pdo_type for bigint on LLP64). Reflection: Fixed bug #75186 (Inconsistent reflection of Closure:::__invoke()). Session: Fixed bug #77911 (Wrong warning for session.sid_bits_per_character). SOAP: Fixed bug #77945 (Segmentation fault when constructing SoapClient with WSDL_CACHE_BOTH). SPL: Fixed bug #77024 (SplFileObject::__toString() may return array). SQLite: Fixed bug #77967 (Bypassing open_basedir restrictions via file uris). Standard: Fixed bug #77931 (Warning for array_map mentions wrong type). Fixed bug #78003 (strip_tags output change since PHP 7.3).




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