Planning Algorithms

上传者: pinfeir | 上传时间: 2020-02-25 03:07:41 | 文件大小: 13.14MB | 文件类型: pdf
This book presents a unified treatment of many different kinds of planning algorithms. The subject lies at the crossroads between robotics, control theory, artificial intelligence, algorithms, and computer graphics. The particular subjects covered include motion planning, discrete planning, planning under uncertainty, sensor-based planning, visibility, decision-theoretic planning, game theory, information spaces, reinforcement learning, nonlinear systems, trajectory planning, nonholonomic planning, and kinodynamic planning. "Motion planning is an important field of research with applications in such diverse terrains as robotics, molecular modeling, virtual environments, and games. Over the past two decades a huge number of techniques have been developed, all with their merits and shortcomings. The book by Steve LaValle gives an excellent overview of the current state of the art in the field. It should lie on the desk of everybody that is involved in motion planning research or the use of motion planning in applications." _ _ | | | | _ _ | | _____ ____ _____| | _| |_ ___ ____ ____ _____ ____ _| |_ ___ | || ___ |/ _ (____ | | (_ _) _ / ___) ___) ___ | _ (_ _)/___) | || ____( (_| / ___ | | | || |_| | | | | | ____| | | || |_|___ | _)_____)___ _____|_) __)___/|_| |_| |_____)_| |_| __|___/ (_____| -LEGAL TORRENTS Purpose: create a balance, share the already free stuff, public domain works, freeware, free music, free ebooks, articles, manifestos, movie trailers, and more. show the copyright owners that torrent websites shouldn't bear the responsibility of what their users upload, torrent websites are very much similar to google.. users upload what they want to upload, download what they want to download, and search for what they want to search.. by creating this balance and sharing the already free stuff, we hope to take the pressure of torrent websites.. _ _ | | | | _ _ | | _____ ____ _____| | _| |_ ___ ____ ____ _____ ____ _| |_ ___ | || ___ |/ _ (____ | | (_ _) _ / ___)



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