
上传者: pengtaohanyu | 上传时间: 2021-05-17 18:03:34 | 文件大小: 460KB | 文件类型: DOC
Table of Contents LESSON ONE Resources and Energy 1 PART A 1 PART B 2 Passage I: 2 Passage II: 3 Part D 4 Lesson Two Crime and Punishment 4 Part A 4 Part B 5 Passage I 5 Passage II 6 Passage III. 7 Part D 8 Lesson Three Computers and the Internet 8 Part A 8 Part B 10 Passage I 10 Passage II 10 Passage III 11 Part D 12 LESSON FOUR Finance 12 PART A 12 Part B 14 Passage I 14 Passage II. Functions of Money 15 Passage III Credit Cards 15 Part D 16 LESSON FIVE Places to See in Britain 16 Part A 16 Part B 17 Passage I: 17 Passage Ⅱ: 18 Part D 19 LESSON SIX Education 19 Part A 19 Part B 21 Passage I SAT Examination 21 PART II Medical Education 21 LESSON SEVEN Business 22 Part A 22 Part B 24 Passage I How to Increase Business Profits 24 Passage Two 25 LESSON EIGHT Aspects of Life 26 Part A 26 Part B 28 PASSAGE I Tax 28 PASSAGE II Religion 29 LESSON NINE College Life 30 PART A 30 PART B 32 PASSAGE I College Search 32 PASSAGE II How to Get a Master's degree 33 LESSON TEN Women 34 PART A 34 PART B 36 PASSAGE I Women in Southern Europe 36 PASSAGE II American Women 37 LESSON ELEVEN Famous People 38 PART A 38 PART B 40 PASSAGE I William Jefferson Clinton 40 PASSAGE II William Shakespeare 41 LESSON TWELVE Culture 43 PART A 43 Part B 44 Passage I Beijing’s Hutongs 44 Passage II The White Wedding Dress 46 LESSON THIRTEEN Science and Technology 47 PART B 47 PASSAGE I Cloning Mount Vernon's Trees 47 PASSAGE II Dinosaur Noses 48 LESSON FOURTEEN Sports 49 PART B 49 Passage I The Famous Bicycle Racer 49 PASSAGE II The Williams Sisters 50 LESSON FIFTEEN Reform and Development 51 PART B 51 Passage I 51 Passage II 52 KEYS TO EXERCISES Unit 1 53 Part A 53 Part B 53 Part D 53 Unit 2 53 Part A 54 Part B 54 Unit 3 54 Part A 54 Part B 54 Unit 5 56 Part A 56 Part B 56 Part C 57 Part D 57 Unit 6 58 Part A 58 Part B 58 Unit 7 59 Part A 59 Part B 60 Part D 61 Unit 8 61 Part A 61 Part B 62 Part D 62 Unit 10 63 Part A 63 Part B 63 Unit 11 64 Part A 64 Part B 64




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