OFDM and MC-CDMA A Primer(pdf 英文版)

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OFDM经典巨著 【作者】: Lajos Hanzo, Thomas Keller 【ISBN 】: ISBN-10: 0470030070 / ISBN-13: 978-0470030073 【页数 】:430 【开本 】 : 【出版社】 :Wiley-IEEE Press 【出版日期】:July 11, 2006 【文件格式】:PDF 【封面附图】: 【摘要或目录】: Book Description Wireless communications has witnessed a tremendous growth during the past decade and further spectacular enabling technology advances are expected in an effort to render ubiquitous wireless connectivity a reality. Currently, a technical in-depth book on this subject is unavailable, which has a similar detailed exposure of OFDM, MIMO-OFDM and MC-CDMA. A further attraction of the joint treatment of these topics is that it allows the reader to view their design trade-offs in a comparative context. Divided into three main parts: Part I provides a detailed exposure of OFDM designed for employment in various applications Part II is another design alternative applicable in the context of OFDM systems where the channel quality fluctuations observed are averaged out with the aid of frequency-domain spreading codes, which leads to the concept of MC-CDMA Part III discusses how to employ multiple antennas at the base station for the sake of supporting multiple users in the uplink From the Back Cover This concise volume provides a widely accessible introduction to OFDM and MC-CDMA. Based on the authors’ experience in researching OFDM in the context of various applications, it systematically converts the lessons of Shannon’s information theory into practical wireless system design examples. Comprehensive coverage of OFDM, MIMO-OFDM and MC-CDMA is presented, incorporating radically new research-oriented principles. A further strength of this primer is that it considers the ambitious aim of achieving near-maximum-likelihood multi-user MIMO-OFDM performance at a modest complexity, proposing an advanced extension of the Complex Sphere Detector (CSD). This technique allows the system to support a higher number of OFDM/MC-CDMA users than the number of antennas



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  • whufly2008 :
    书是2006年的,详细讲解了OFDM 和 MC-CDMA,全书433页,高清。赞一个。
  • blackblue :
  • daoxiangfengnian :
  • Hechaof :
    书是2006年的,详细讲解了OFDM 和 MC-CDMA,全书433页,高清。赞一个。
  • fhencana :


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