
上传者: osmaond | 上传时间: 2021-06-24 08:05:01 | 文件大小: 2.39MB | 文件类型: RAR
ak2新版内核 AceKard All-In-One (AK-AIO) v1.5 ---------------------------------- Credits ------- AKAIO: By Normmatt (http://normmatt.com), normmatt234 \AT/ gmail \DOT/ com By Smiths of Emuholic (http://www.emuholic.com), smiths \AT/ emuholic \DOT/ com By gelu (http://code.google.com/p/acekard-3in1/) Based off of AKBBS' source contributions from the above and following authors: Moogle bliss (http://bliss.hanirc.org/blog) kzat3 (http://kzat3.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/) Special Thanks: bd2rae (http://bbs.yyjoy.com/thread-45884-1-1.html) What is This? -------------- AKBBS has been usurped thanks to amazing efforts of Normmatt in merging firmwares! AK-AIO is custom system software for *BOTH* the AceKard RPG and AK2 (and preliminary AK+ support), using all the features from the latest release of AKBBS(1.99) as a base. One file, two cards... with hopefully a third fully supported soon enough. Base features ------------- For those unfamiliar with all the additions the AKBBS (now AIO) software has in comparison to the stock firmware, here's a sampling of the bigger changes: * Cheat Improvements - R4/XML Cheat File processing, online updating * Plug-ins for TXT/MP3/etc. * "Future Adaptable" Multi-loader support (AK2) * Multiple Save Slots per title - with copying between slots * Slot-2 Integration - EZ3in1 (w/GBA Patching) and older FlashAdvance Pro carts * Shortcut tweaks * Multi-page Start Menu * Filetype-based external icon support * Per-Rom settings for soft-reset/download play/cheats * Copying/Cutting/Deleting SAV files along with NDS files * Several improvements to 2byte language support * SAV backup/restore from within GUI (.SAV.BAK) * Wifi updating of Cheat Database and Loaders Version History --------------- AK-AIO 1.5 + Fixed issue with the hiddenFileNames globalsettings option not accepting non lowercase filenames. + Optimizations to the AK2 dldi should be a little quicker now. + Update Dutch translation (Thanks MarioWaza). + Update Spanish translation (Thanks Pe



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