
上传者: notyme | 上传时间: 2019-12-21 20:23:50 | 文件大小: 437KB | 文件类型: docx
里面的网址现在找不到了,但是资源又删不了,请大家不要下载了。 一个日本人的3D曲面逼近相关的科研成果,包括原始数据、代码及其发表的文章。内有详细列表及网址链接,有兴趣的可以下载看看。附其中一篇文章的题目及摘要: Sparse Low-degree Implicit Surfaces with Applications to High Quality Rendering, Feature Extraction, and Smoothing Abstract We propose a new surface representation delivering an accurate approximation to a set of points scattered over a smooth surface by Sparse Low-degree IMplicits (SLIM). The SLIM surface representation consists of a sparse multi-scale set of nonconforming surface primitives which are blended along view rays during the rendering phase. This new representation leads to an interactive real-time visualization of large-size models and delivers a better rendering quality than standard splatting techniques based on linear primitives. Further, SLIM allows us to achieve a fast and accurate estimation of surface curvature and curvature derivatives and, therefore, is very suitable for many non-photorealistic rendering tasks. Applications to ray-tracing and surface smoothing are also considered.




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