The Art of Scalability(架构的艺术)

上传者: nianqian | 上传时间: 2022-01-26 09:35:56 | 文件大小: 11.15MB | 文件类型: -
Chapter 1: The Impact of People and Leadership on Scalability Chapter 2: Roles for the Scalable Technology Organization Chapter 3: Designing Organizations Chapter 4: Leadership 101 Chapter 5: Management 101 Chapter 6: Relationships, Mindset, and the Business Case Chapter 7: Why Processes Are Critical to Scale Chapter 8: Managing Incidents and Problems Chapter 9: Managing Crises and Escalations Chapter 10: Controlling Change in Production Environments Chapter 11: Determining Headroom for Applications Chapter 12: Establishing Architectural Principles Chapter 13: Joint Architecture Design and Architecture Review Board Chapter 14: Agile Architecture Design Chapter 15: Focus on Core Competencies: Build Versus Buy Chapter 16: Determining Risk Chapter 17: Performance and Stress Testing Chapter 18: Barrier Conditions and Rollback Chapter 19: Fast or Right? Chapter 20: Designing for Any Technology Chapter 21: Creating Fault-Isolative Architectural Structures Chapter 22: Introduction to the AKF Scale Cube Chapter 23: Splitting Applications for Scale Chapter 24: Splitting Databases for Scale Chapter 25: Caching for Performance and Scale Chapter 26: Asynchronous Design for Scale Chapter 27: Too Much Data Chapter 28: Grid Computing Chapter 29: Soaring in the Clouds Chapter 30: Making Applications Cloud Ready Chapter 31: Monitoring Applications Chapter 32: Planning Data Centers Chapter 33: Putting It All Together




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