
上传者: mainqaz123 | 上传时间: 2021-10-18 21:45:36 | 文件大小: 944KB | 文件类型: -
超强查壳脱壳工具汉化 release history - 3.31 :: pfft. fixed always-on-top/minimise-to-tray registry entries. :: pfft. fixed bogus "virus infection" in pe-scan.exe. thanks to everyone@exetools. - 3.30 :: added unpackers for petite (all versions), wwpack (all versions), exe32pack (all versions), def 1.0, ep 0.1 & 0.2, exe-bundle 1.31, ezip 1.0, neolite 2.00, pcpec alpha preview, pc-shrink 0.29b/0.45b/0.70b/0.71b, pe-diminisher 0.1, pe-mangle 1.0, pencrypt 1.0, pe-nightmare 1.3, pe-pack 0.99 & 1.0, pklite 1.1 [11], shrinker 3.4, spec b2 & b3, stone's pe-encryptor 1.0 & 1.13, winkript 1.0, vg-shrink 0.14 :: added oep tracing for upx, wwpack, petite.. and some others i can't remember. ;p :: totally reworked the aspack unpacking routines; should be more compatible with any "mutated" loaders. thanks to everyone who tested their files for me. =) :: added TLS rebuilding for unpacked files. :: added an options dialog, also minimise-to-system-tray and always-on-top. :: added some signatures - armadillo, fsg, upx, pebundle.. etc.. :: finally got around to writing a .hlp file. :: changed the peHeader offset-value to a dword. =D :: fixed bug with drag'n'drop.. thanks qwerton. :: updated shrinker 3.4, ep 1.0, petite 1.3 and aspack 2.1 signatures for more compatibility. :: fixed bug with pep rva calculation to handle a pep located _before_ the first section. :: fixed minor bugs with ep, def and nfo website information. fucking string searches. heh. =| - 3.13 :: finally fixed the win2k shell bug. thanks Athlon for your help. =) as it turns out, WinNT had the same problem.. - :: known bug; the shellExtention still doesn't work on win2k. i'm out of ideas.. but i'll be able to diagnose the problem as soon as i have win2k installed. - 3.12 :: implemented generic pe-compact unpacker for all versions. :: fixed major bug with the pecompact unpacker; it erased bytes at the rva where the signature bytes _used_ to be. 8/ :: added support for .sys and .cpl pe's. :: added dragNDrop



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