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IT项目管理(英文版.第四版)/(美)施瓦尔布(Schwalbe,K.)著.—北京:机械工业出版社,2006.7(经典原版书库)课后习题答案 语言——英文
Class 13061 3Team 3Made By Wang WanHongorganizations collect and control an entire suite of projects or investments asone set of interrelated activities in a portfolio. The project portfoliomanagement in general is divided into five levels, from the simple to thecomplex are:1] Put all the items into a database2 Setting priorities for the items in the database3] According to the different type of investment, these items were dividednto 2-3 Budget4 Run Knowledge base automatically5 Apply the modern Portfolio Theory7. What are the skills required for Project Managers?Answer: Project managers need a wide variety of skills. They need bothhard"and soft skillsHard skills include product knowledge and knowing how to use variousproject management tools and techniqueso Soft skills include being able to work with various types of people.1)Communication skills: Listens, persuades2)Organizational skills: Plans, sets goals, analyzes3)Team- building skills: Shows empathy(同感,共鸣), motivates,promotes esprit de corps4)Leadership skills: Sets examples, provides vision (big picture),delegates positive, energetic5] Coping skills: Flexible, creative, patient, persistent6 Technology skills: Experience, project knowledge8. Expand PMi and PMP?AnswerPMI: Project Management InstitutePMP: Project Management ProfessionaChapter-21. Explain System Approach of Project management?AnswersSystems approach describes a holistic(A]) and analytical approach toPage 3Class 13061 3Team 3Made By Wang WanHongsolving complex problemsThree parts include:Systems philosophy: View things as systems, which are interacting (fh互作用) components that work within an environment to fulfill somepurposeSystems analysis is a problem-solving approach1) Define the scope of the system2 Divide into components3 Identify and evaluating system problems, opportunities, constraintsand needs4] Examine alternative solution for improving the current situation5)Identify (f) an solution or action plan and examine that planagainst the entire sySystems management: Address business, technological, andorganizational issues associated with creating, maintaining, and makingchanges to systems1 Identify and satisfy the key stakeholders2 Doing the best for the organization2. What are the three basic organizational structures?Answer: Three general classifications oforganizational structures arefunctional, project, and matrix.A functional organizational structure is the hierarchy. Functionalmanagers or vice presidents in specialties report to the ceo. The staffs havespecialized skills.A project organizational structure also has a hierarchical structure, buttheir pro gram managers report to the ceoA matrix organizational structure represents the middle ground betweenfunctional and project structures3. Draw and explain the phases of the traditional project Life Cycle?Answer:Page 4Class 13061 3Team 3Made By Wang WanHongProject FeasibilityProject AcquisitionConceptDevelopment ImplementationClose-outFigure Phases of the traditional project life cycleIn the concept phase of a project, managers usually briefly describe theproject-they develop a very high-level or summary plan for the project,which describes the need for project and basic underlying conceptIn the development phase, the project team creates more detailed projectplans, a more accurate cost estimate, and a more thorough wbsIn the Implementation phase, the project team creates a definitive or veryaccurate cost estimate, delivers the required work, and providesperformance reports to stakeholdersIn the close-out phase, all of the work is completed, and there should besome sort of customer acceptance of the entire project4. Whatare phase exits?Answer: phase exits are the phase-end review of key deliverables that allowthe organization to evaluate the projects performance and to take immediateaction to correct any errors or problems5. How can top management help project managers?Answer: Top management can help project managers in the following waysThe project manager needs adequate(足够的) resourcesThe best way to kill a project is to withhold (E) the required money,human resources, and visibility for the project. If the project managershave top management commitment, they will also have adequateresources and not be distracted by events that do not affect their specificprojectsProject managers often require approval for unique project needs in atimely mannerProject managers must have cooperation from people in other parts of thePage 5Class 13061 3Team 3Made By Wang WanHongorganizationProject managers often need someone to mentor and coach them onleadership issuesChapter- 31. Explain Project management process groups?AnswerInitiating Planning Executing and Controlling ClosingProcessProcessProcessProcessProcessGroupGrouproupGroupGroupActivityStartFinishTimeMonitoringInitiatingExecutingandClosingControllig∩,,Planning kProject management process groups progress from initiation activities toplanning activities, executing activities, monitoring and controlling activities,and closing activities.Initiating processes include defining and authorizing a project or projectphase. Planning processes include devising and maintaining a wor kablescheme. Executing processes include coordinating people and otherresources Monitoring and controlling processes include regularlymeasuring and monitoring progress to ensure that the project team meetsthe project objectives. Closing processes include formalizing acceptance ofthe project or project phase and ending it efficientlyPage 6Class 13061 3Team 3Made By Wang WanHongChaptter-41. Draw Project Management Framework?Answer: The Project Management Framework isProject PortfolioProject 1Project9 Knowledge AreasTools andProject 3 EySEnterpriseProject 4uccessCore functionstechniquesProject 5TimeCost QualityProject 6MatMgt. MgtMat1gProject Integration ManagementProjectStakeholders'Successeds andexpectat onsHRComm.RiskProcure. G++MatMatMgtMatFacilitating Functions2. List the various Project Integration Management Processes?Answer1) Develop the project charter, which involves working with stakeholdersto create the do cument that formally authorizes a project-the charter2)Develop the preliminary project scope statement, which involvesurther work with stakeholders, especially users of the project's products,services, or results, to develop the high-level scope requirements. Theoutput of this process is the process is the preliminary project scopestatement3Develop the project management plan, which involves coordinating allplanning efforts to create a consistent, coherent document-the projectmanagement plan4 Direct and manage project execution, which involves carrying out theproject management plan by performing the activities included in it. Theoutputs of this process are deliverables, requested changes, workperformance information, implemented change request, corrective actions,preventive actions, and defect repair.5)Monitor and control the project work, which involves overseeingPage 7Class 13061 3Team 3Made By Wang WanHongproject work to meet the performance objective of the project. The outputsof this process are recommended defect repair, and requested changes6) Perform integrated change control, which involves coordinatingchanges that affect the project's deliverables and organizational processassets. The outputs of this process include approved and rejected changerequests, approved corrective and preventive actions, approved andvalidated defect repair, deliverables, and updates tothe pIrojectmanagement plan and project scope statement.7 Close the project, which involves finalizing all project activities toformally close the project Outputs of this process include final products,services, or results, administrative and contract closure procedures, andupdates to organizational process assets3. Whatis SWot analysis?Answer: SWOT Analysis is a strategic planning method used to evaluate theStrengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats involved in a project or ina business venture. It involves specifying the objective of the businessventure or project and identifying the internal and external factors that arefavorable and unfavorable to achieving that objective4. What is a Project charter document?Answer: A project charter is a document that formally reco gnizes theexistence of a project and provides direction on the project's objectives andmanagement5. Whatis scope statement document?Answer: Scope Statement is a document for the right to reach a commonunderstanding of project scope as well as the confirmation. It describes indetail what work should be acco mplished in the project, and is an importanttool to prevent the spread of the scope. Scope statement should include theoverall project objectives and description, pro duct description, all projectdeliverables, as well as a synthesis of the determinants of success of theproject descriptions6. Whatis scope creeps?Answer: Scope creep is the tendency of a project to include more tasks or toimplement more systems than originally specified, which often leads toPage 8Class 13061 3Team 3Made By Wang WanHonghiigher than planned project costs and an extension of the initialimplementation date. In other words it basically means a feature that wasinitially thought to be simple that' s exploding in scale7. What are the common elements of a project management plan?Answero Introduction or overview of the project1) Project name2 Project description its need3 Sponsor's name4 Names of the PM Project TeamdEliverables6 List of reference materials7)List of definitions and acronymso Description of how the project is organizedOrganizational charts2 Project responsibilities3Other organizational or process-related informationManagement and technical processes used on the project1) Management objectivesProject Controls3 Risk Management4 staffing5 Technical Processeso Work to be done, schedule, and budget information1) Major work packages2) Key deliverables3) Other work-related information4 Summary schedule5 Detailed schedule6 Other schedule-related information7 Summary budgets8 Detailed budget9)Other budget related informationPage 9Class 13061 3Team 3Made By Wang WanHong8. What is stakeholder analysis?Answer: Sta keholder analysis is an important technique for stakeholderidentification analyzing their needs. It is used to identify all keystakeholders who have vested interest in the issues with which the project isconcerned. The aim of stake holder analysis process is to develop a strategicview of the human and institutional landscape, and the relationships betweenthe different stakeholders and the issues they care about most9. Explain CCBsAnswer: CCB is a Change Control Board for short. CCBs provide guidelines forpreparing change requests, evaluate change requests, and manage theimplementation of approved changes10. Explain 48-hours policy?Answer: A"48-hour policy"can help task leaders on a large informationtechnology project reach agreements on key decisions or changes withintheir expertise and authority. It allows project team members to make adecision and have 48 hours to seek approval from top management. If theteam decision cannot be implemented, management has 48 hours to reversea decision; otherwise, the teams decision is approvedChapter-51. Whatis Project Scope Management?Answer: Project scope management is the definition about what is includedand what is not included in the project and the process of controlling. Thisprocess ensures that the project team and stakeholders have a commonunderstanding of the project products as the project result and the processesused in producing these products. The main processes are: Scope plan;Scope definition; Create WBS; Scope confirm; Scope control2. List the various Project scope management Processes?Answere Scope planning Deciding how the scope will be defined, verified, andcontrolled and how the wbs will be createdPage 10



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