PEST4 30道完形填空练习题及答案.doc

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EXERCISE 1 Information Technology 1982 was the year of information technology in Great Britain. But what exactly is infotech? 85% of the people __1___ recently had not a clue what it means, __2___53% of those polled said they thought it sounded pretty important.They were __3___.It is.So what is it? Well, put simply,it is the "marry-up"of products__4___several key industries:computers, telephone, televisions, satellites. It means __5___ microelectronics, telecommunication networks fibre optics__6___produce,store,obtain and send information by way of words,numbers,pictures and sound__7___and efficiency than ever before. The __8__ infotech is having and is going to have on our lives and work is tremendous.It is already linking the skills of the space industry with __9___ of cable television,so programmes can be beamed directly into our homes ___10__ all over the world. Armies of "steel collar"workers,the robots,will soon be working in factories doing the boring,complex and __11___jobs which are at present still done by man. In some areas __12___the car industry this has already started. television will also be used to enable customers __13___from the comfort of their homes by simply ordering___14__ the TV screen, payment being made by direct debit of their credit cards.The automatic booking of tickets will also be done through the television__15___ .Cable television __16___in many countries now gives a choice of ___17__ channels will soon be used to___18___ our homes by operating burglar and fire alarms ___19___to police and fire stations.Computers will run our homes,controling the heating,air-conditioned and cooking systems ___20___ robot will cope with the housework.the friendly postman will be a thing of the past as the post service and letters disappear with the electronic mail received via viewdata screens. 1) A polling B being polled C polled D having been polled 2) A so B although




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