上传者: lishuwei115
上传时间: 2021-08-03 09:47:18
文件大小: 121B
文件类型: TXT
Create immersive experiences with this custom vegetation pack that was created from scratch collecting references, textures and sounds from real Eucalyptus Forests.
1. Artistic Features:
- 2 Demo scenes (Cinematic and Prefabs Viewer).
- 165+ ready to use prefabs with LODs.
- Trees, bushes and plants.
- 8 Rocks and Cliffs PBR materials.
- 6 Rock models.
- 2 Cliff models.
- 40 PBR Ground seamless textures.
- 8 Terrain Layers ready to use.
- particle systems Falling leaf, flies, fireflies and mist.
- Water material presets (including lakes and puddles).
- 4k skyboxes and cube maps.
- SFX footsteps and ambient sounds.
Models LOD’s average tris:
Big Trees: 20000>12500>3000>50 (billboard)
Medium Trees: 20000>12000>5000>2500>500>50 (billboard)
Young Trees: 6000>3000>1250>50 (billboard)
Plant and Bushes: 2500>750>150>50 (billboard)
Rocks and Cliffs: 6000>3000>800
2. Æ Core (Shared Assets and Tools):
Introducing AE Core, this is a shared folder that will be integrated with upcoming C.V.P assets, that contains tools like Æ Game Objects Simplifiers, 3D models, textures, SFV, VFX and more.
3. DEC Shaders:
A powerful set of shaders built using module construction with Amplify Shader Editor (ASE) function nodes.
Shaders Included:
- Cutout Wind Translucency Forward / Deferred
- Billboard Wind
- Surface Wind Detail
- Surface Height Detail Tessellation
- Surface Detail
- Grunge Mask
- Water Lake
- Rain Versions
DE Global Controller:
This is a powerful script that's connect unity built in wind zone and DEC Shaders for control global properties like wind intensity, rain, etc.
Supported Render Pipelines:
Standard Render Pipeline (Standard):
Unity 2019.3 or higher
Universal Render Pipeline (URP):
7x [api 07.5.3 or higher]
8x [api 08.2.0 or higher]
10x [api 10.2.2 or higher]
11x [api 11.0.0 or higher]