Pro Radar Builder (Source Included) 3.0.1

上传者: lishuwei115 | 上传时间: 2021-12-17 20:52:52 | 文件大小: 25.79MB | 文件类型: -
SOURCE INCLUDED and ALL INTERNALS EXPOSED version For regular version ,please see: PRO Radar Builder IMPORTANT If you are updating from the standard Radar Builder ,delete the LIB folder content from your project before importing. - internal pooling & Optimization module 3D Radar Builder is an advanced editor tool which allows users to, ;WITHOUT CODING,CREATE: -3D RADARS (world & screen space) -MINIMAPS (world & screen space), (static or Realtime) -TRACKING SYSTEMS (world & screen space) - World AND screen space 3D Radar and tracking systems with 9 Point snapping - Minimap creation module. - Create real (static or realtime) minimap systems without coding. -Treat the radar like any other object, scale it , rotate it , position it , make it a child. - Single click to create radars ZOOM and PAN INSIDE of the radar to look anywhere - Use ANY material for blips - use Sprite Blips - Use Mesh Blips at different LODs - Use Prefab Blips - Height Tracking (tracking lines). - Use Advanced rotation tracking - Optional Blip Auto scaling functions -Visualize Design - Use Multiple culling zones - Use Local or preset scale - Easy layer assignment. Just set it and forget it - Generate unique blips representing object with specific tags. - The System Uses Neither Unity UI nor IMGU, making it fast - Allows for a wide array of objects objects, even particle effects to be simulated in the radar. - Static minimaps, ideal for small static scenes. - Realtime Minimap , ideal for large scenes / Open worlds. - Advanced rotation re-targeting. - Auto-scaling and options for always showing blips in the radar. - Allows for a wide array of objects objects, even particle effects to be simulated in the radar. What else you get - Space ship model - Space ship control script - Space environment - Radar templates as seen in the preview images - Lens flare - multiple blip sprites - multiple radar design sprites - multiple materials - 1 skybox FOR THE 2D COMPONENT - The 2D Radar System Uses Neither Unity UI nor IMGU - Allows for 9 Point screen snapping - MULTIPLE rotation tracking options - Custom radar sprite rotation targeting - Custom blip rotation targeting - Prefab Blip support - Sprite Blip Support What you get - Custom masking shaders - multiple Blip sprites - multiple Radar Sprites - multiple example scenes - Simple AI (just used in example scene to make objects move around on floor) - Minimaps and Radars of any shape - and more... tested with - 2D Sidescroller - NEW : "Track Y Position" toggle function for radars that need to track blips moving through the y axis, this means that the z axis wont be tracked when this is turned on. - Top Down - 2.5D - Fixed 3D - 3D - And others in between You will notice two dll files in the project. One is what we use to draw the editor window is a fragment of our Reality Engine API which is in development. Your radar will still work even if you delete that dll. BUT DONT DO THAT :) The other contains another fragment of our API. Since this is the source included version you have access to all the source code you need.. For 2D Radars please see: 2D Radar Builder For 3D Radars please see: 3D Radar Builder Simple AI (just used in example scene to make objects move around on floor)



  • u013343928 :
    直接无法导入 Couldn't decompress package


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