Odin – Inspector and Serializer v3.0.9

上传者: lishuwei115 | 上传时间: 2021-11-24 09:07:43 | 文件大小: 121B | 文件类型: TXT
Odin puts your Unity workflow on steroids, making it easy to build powerful and advanced user-friendly editors for you and your entire team. The Asset Store version is for entities or companies with revenue or funding less than $200k in the last 12 months. Enterprise options are available here. OdinInspector.com: Learn what Odin Inspector is all about. Manual: Get started quickly Support: Submit any questions Roadmap: What’s next? Bought Odin before 28.05.2019? Get the Odin source code and the validator addons for free at https://odininspector.com/download With an effortless integration that deploys perfectly into pre-existing workflows, Odin allows you to serialize anything and enjoy Unity with 80+ new inspector attributes, no boilerplate code and so much more! See what’s new in version 2.1! HIGHLIGHTS Effortless Integration Editor Only Mode Odin Editor Windows Input Validation Serialize Anything Powerful Lists Insanely Extendable Color Palettes Dictionaries Much More! Effortless Integration: Odin is extremely easy to use and won’t break your existing workflow. In fact, you don’t even need to inherit from anything, which means your existing editors will continue to work even with Odin. Editor-Only Mode: Use Odin only for its editor improvements by disabling serialization completely. Odin Editor Windows: You can now use Odin to rapidly create custom Editor Windows to help organize your project and game data. Input Validation: Empower your entire team by allowing your developers to setup scene and input validations, making using Unity easier than ever for artists and developers alike. Serialize Anything: Odin uses our highly-rated custom serialization protocol, allowing you to either inherit from our SerializedBehaviour, SerializedScriptableObject etc. or add a few lines of code to your existing class, and everything serializable shall be serialized. Yes, even polymorphic types! Odin serialized prefabs are deprecated in 2018.3+ due to




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