Magic Light Probes v1.95.1

上传者: lishuwei115 | 上传时间: 2021-11-01 20:05:36 | 文件大小: 99B | 文件类型: TXT
Unity light probes are an important part of every scene. It provide the transmission of direct, indirect and reflected light from light sources in mixed and baked modes to dynamic objects. The accuracy of lighting dynamic objects on the scene largely depends on how correctly the light probes are placed. Magic Light Probes is an editor extension that is designed to help you arrange your light probes in the automatic mode as quickly and correctly as possible. The main goal of the tool is to automatically install the probes exactly where they are needed – shadows borders, sharp changes in the color of textures, transitions from well-lit areas to dimly lit, corners and intersections of geometry, edges of geometry, ledges, breaks, sharp descents, two-sided geometry (to prevent leaks through walls, floors and ceilings). In addition, the modes of uniform filling of the entire volume and vertical duplication for particularly difficult cases are supported. This tool can guarantee that: – No probes will be located inside the geometry, no matter how complex it is, convex or concave. This is very important, because even in the simplest case of manually arranging probes by simple duplication, you will inevitably encounter probes within the geometry. – With high accuracy, light probes will be installed at corners and intersections of the geometry. In corners, as a rule, the light intensity is lower, therefore, in order to properly illuminate a dynamic object when approaching such places, it is necessary to install probes there. – Depending on the settings, the system will try to place the probes in the most contrasting places (errors are not excluded) It is guaranteed to be pretty fast in most cases.In addition to email and the forum, the Discord channel is available to you, where you can receive answers to any questions in real time. Features: – Automatically check for updates – Workflow selection Simple (quick and easy); Advanced (slower and more accurate) – Quick editing o




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