Car Paint - Pro 3.1

上传者: lishuwei115 | 上传时间: 2021-09-26 18:05:14 | 文件大小: 121B | 文件类型: TXT
Car Paint Pro will help you to simulate next level photo-realistic visualizations of any kind metallic related materials. Reflective Clear Coat, Metallic Flakes with Procedural Flake Tool, Overlay, Fresnel, Base Glossiness & Diffuse. This shader is mostly recommended for high-end workstations. What's Inside Pro Version ▲ 4 Pro Clear Coat PBR Shader with 8 subshaders ▲ Procedurally Generated Flakes Tool ▲ 43 Example Scenes ▲ 5 Environment Scenes ▲ 3 Detailed Car Models ▲ 30 Camera Animations ▲ 5 HDR Images. Features: ▲ This Pro Shader is a complex material with four layers: a base diffuse layer, a base glossy layer, reflective coating layer, overlay layer, fresnel layer, metallic flakes layer, and clear coat layer. The material allows the adjustment of each of these layers separately. ▲ There are four shaders included. The regular car paint shader has a ‘Base Paint’ layer and a ‘Reflective Coating’ layer. There is also a shader with an extra ‘Overlay’ layer available, this could be used for dirt, wear and decals. Both of these layers have a transparent and a opaque variant. ▲ The shaders are built up with different layers, each layer has it’s own lighting and relevant settings. ▲The car paint shaders use maps to render the flakes. In order to ease the creation of these maps the package includes a tool for generating procedurally these maps. Technical aspects: ▲ Optimized and polished prefabed models ▲ 8k & 4k Environment Textures ▲ Correct proportions ▲ Car Triangle Count 300k~ ▲ Separated vehicles parts for Car Configurations ▲ [IMPORTANT] Shaders are optimized for mobile, but example scenes are using Image Effects which may not work on mobile devices Each element has been carefully crafted, with in-game use optimization in mind.




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