
上传者: lincoln111 | 上传时间: 2021-07-14 15:43:17 | 文件大小: 7KB | 文件类型: RAR
(1)软件功能特点 FlexPDE does not merely pass a translation on to some other package for processing. In fact, FlexPDE is designed to be the package other applications call for processing. Imagine being able to type in your partial differential equations system, add a description of the problem domain, and instantly convert this problem specification into a sophisticated finite element model, including One, two or three space dimensions Automatic mesh construction Time dependent, steady-state or eigenvalues. Flexible integrated graphical output Dynamic adaptive mesh refinement Dynamic timestep control Nonlinear equation solver Unlimited equation complexity Unlimited number of simultaneous equations Multiple Equation Sets* Complex, Vector and Array Variables and Equations* Regionally Inactive Variables* Arbitrary Lagrange/Eulerian moving mesh Export capability for 3rd-party visualizations Multithreading support for dual and quad core processors* 自然的易学语言 三维模型建立 在偏微分方程系统中输入文字、添加问题描述、及时把问题具体成有限元模型; 自动的网格结构; 无限的方程集合体; 联立方程不限数量; 非线性方程求解; 1D,2D和3D; 时间相关、稳态和特征值; 动态的时间步控制; 动态的网格改良; 任意的拉格朗日/欧拉移动网格; 灵活地整合图片并输出; 输入到TecPlot或Vislt进行可视化; 可跨平台;



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