上传者: li624131531 | 上传时间: 2022-03-14 07:48:08 | 文件大小: 1.27MB | 文件类型: -
TP2915 is a video D/A solution for converting HD digital video signal into the analog domain that is suitable for transmission over single coaxial or twist-pair cable over long reach. The major application is the Automotive interconnect between HD display and HD camera systems or any other applications require robust and low cost transmission of HD video. TP2915 generates the analog video signal complying with HD Transport Video Interface (HD-TVI) format. It is one form of the HD composite video format that is widely adopted in the industry. TP2915 can support a variety of video resolution digital video input standards in 422 or 444 formats over 8, 16 or 24-bit interface with the embedded synchronization (EAV/SAV) header or explicit sync signals. It also accepts 24-bit RGB input with external sync signals. It has the built-in sync extraction logic to obtain the sync information inside the video stream. The video resolutions supported range from SD (NT/PAL) to UHD. TP2915 contains a versatile video timing generator that is programmable for all standards supported and other non-standard video formats. It has programmable clip/shift/scale function to proper condition the input video signal for further processing. It also has an optional 2x over-sampling filters built-in to support higher output sample rate. Over-sampling can relax the external analog filter requirement. TP2915 supports selectable current mode and voltage mode output as well as internal programmable analog reconstruction filter. The built-in data slicer help minimize glue circuits. The signal amplitude of the DAC output can be set by external current setting resistor. It also has built-in color bar test pattern generator for easy testing and adjustment. TP2915 has built-in clock jitter reduction circuit based on local crystal clock to ensure the output signal performance.




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