
上传者: juyin2015 | 上传时间: 2021-12-29 17:08:20 | 文件大小: 9.99MB | 文件类型: -
2. DPDK Release 18.08 2.1. New Features Added support for Hyper-V netvsc PMD. The new netvsc poll mode driver provides native support for networking on Hyper-V. See the Netvsc poll mode driver NIC driver guide for more details on this new driver. Added Flow API support for CXGBE PMD. Flow API support has been added to CXGBE Poll Mode Driver to offload flows to Chelsio T5/T6 NICs. Support added for: Wildcard (LE-TCAM) and Exact (HASH) match filters. Match items: physical ingress port, IPv4, IPv6, TCP and UDP. Action items: queue, drop, count, and physical egress port redirect. Added ixgbe preferred Rx/Tx parameters. Rather than applications providing explicit Rx and Tx parameters such as queue and burst sizes, they can request that the EAL instead uses preferred values provided by the PMD, falling back to defaults within the EAL if the PMD does not provide any. The provision of such tuned values now includes the ixgbe PMD. Added descriptor status check support for fm10k. The rte_eth_rx_descriptor_status and rte_eth_tx_descriptor_status APIs are now supported by fm10K. Updated the enic driver. Add low cycle count Tx handler for no-offload Tx. Add low cycle count Rx handler for non-scattered Rx. Minor performance improvements to scattered Rx handler. Add handlers to add/delete VxLAN port number. Add devarg to specify ingress VLAN rewrite mode. Updated mlx5 driver. Updated the mlx5 driver including the following changes: Added port representors support. Added Flow API support for e-switch rules. Added support for ACTION_PORT_ID, ACTION_DROP, ACTION_OF_POP_VLAN, ACTION_OF_PUSH_VLAN, ACTION_OF_SET_VLAN_VID, ACTION_OF_SET_VLAN_PCP and ITEM_PORT_ID. Added support for 32-bit compilation. Added TSO support for the mlx4 driver. Added TSO support for the mlx4 drivers from MLNX_OFED_4.4 and above. SoftNIC PMD rework. The SoftNIC PMD infrastructure has been restructured to use the Packet Framework, which makes it more flexible, modular and easier to add new functionality in the future. Updated the AESNI MB PMD. The AESNI MB PMD has been updated with additional support for: 3DES for 8, 16 and 24 byte keys. Added a new compression PMD using Intel’s QuickAssist (QAT) device family. Added the new QAT compression driver, for compression and decompression operations in software. See the Intel(R) QuickAssist (QAT) Compression Poll Mode Driver compression driver guide for details on this new driver. Updated the ISA-L PMD. Added support for chained mbufs (input and output).




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