
上传者: jingcuo | 上传时间: 2022-04-16 16:37:44 | 文件大小: 2.08MB | 文件类型: 7Z
The ShellBrowser component set gives a Delphi programmer easy access to the Windows Shell functionality. The TJamShellList, TJamShellTree and TJamShellCombo components look and behave exactly like the corresponding parts of the Explorer. The non-visible TShellBrowser component provides an easy interface to the Windows Shell API. All components support the properties page, correct icons, OLE drag-and-drop , the Explorer context menu and merge with your Delphi popup menus. A thumbnail component displays the Explorer thumbnail images and the TJamShellNotifier informs you about numerous shell events, like attached drives or changes in folders. Interesting sample projects and a help file with a lot of sample code are included. V8.1.2 Released on 28 Feb 2013 Bugfix - JamFileList: When using the Search method, sorting distinguishes between folders and files. Bugfix - JamShellList: Sorting by recently added shell columns works again. Bugfix - JamShellList: The OnBeforeShellCommand event is triggered when entering a folder by doubleclick or 'Enter' key. Bugfix - JamShellTree: Avoiding exceptions during Drag&Drop (Win XP). Several minor improvements and fixes have been incorporated. V8.1.1 Released on 11 Feb 2013 ShellBrowser V8.1.1 supports C++ Builder XE3 64bit. TJamFileList: Reviewed and optimized the sorting process. TJamFileList: Reviewed and optimized the search functionality. TJamFileList: Property 'ShowContextMenuOnTop' is now available. TJamShellList: The sort column is now stored when changing the folder. Please note: It is only stored for the SpecialFolder, not the specific file system folder. Bugfix - TJamShellList, TJamFileList: The creation and last modified date columns now display the local date-time information instead of UTC date-time. Bugfix - TJamShellList, TJamFileList: The function 'GetVisibleColumns' no longer returns the hidden columns. Bugfix - TJamShellList, TJamShellTree, TJamShellCombo: The icon's background is now correctly painted in the background color of the control. Bugfix - TJamShellList: Improved Drag&Drop experience, e.g. the DragImage doesn't overlap dialog windows anymore. Bugfix - TJamShellList: If file extensions are hidden in Windows, they are no longer shown if a file is renamed in the TJamShellList. Bugfix - TJamShellList: Sorting is possible again for ViewStyles different to vsReport. Bugfix - TJamFileList: 'Cut' and 'Copy' work if the selected files are located on different partitions. Bugfix - TJamFileList: Fixed exception that occurred when setting the property 'ShowColumnHeaders' to false. Bugfix - TJamFileList: Fixed delay in lists with many items when hitting 'End' key to jump to the end of a list. Bugfix - TJamFileList: Fixed problem that occurred when deleting many files at once. Bugfix - TJamShellTree: Property 'NoFillOnStartup' now works. Bugfix - TJamShellTree: A beep sound is no longer played when specific keys are pressed (e.g. Ctrl+C). Bugfix - TJamDriveList: The shell columns are correctly filled when a custom column is added. Bugfix - TJamBrowseForFolder: Fixed a bug where the path property couldn't always be set when using Delphi 18}. A major code cleanup was performed and numerous minor fixes and improvements have been incorporated.



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  • focus :
    不错 是新版本 解决了我的编译错误。
  • edhn2006 :
  • ping458 :


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