TMS VCL UI Pack for RAD Studio 10_4 Sydney [CS].rar

上传者: hyq0452 | 上传时间: 2021-04-22 15:03:23 | 文件大小: 174.15MB | 文件类型: RAR
v10.5.5.0 New : function NumSuppressedRows: integer added in TAdvStringGrid New : TAdvSmoothRotaryMenu BackgroundPicture implemented New : Head property added to TAdvRichEditorHTMLIO New : BodyClass property added to TAdvRichEditorHTMLIO New : AutoSize property added in TAdvGraphicCheckLabel Improved : Wait cursor handling in TWebUpdate wizard Improved : SortIndexes.Clear updates sort indicators Improved : Added AIncludeRows parameter to XYToColumn to include rows while detecting which column is located at X and Y coordinate in TAdvTreeView Fixed : TAdvSmoothExpanderPanel Height set when MinimumPanelHeight used in runtime creation Fixed : Regression with stricter date format checking in TAdvStringGrid Fixed : Rare issue with threading in TAdvSmartMessageBox() Fixed : Memory leak issue in TTreeList Fixed : Issue with vertical text align in TAdvTreeView Fixed : Issue with scrolling while list is not visible in TAdvGridDropDown Fixed : Issue with repainting speed buttons on TAdvSpinEdit with VCL styles Fixed : Issue with font color in combination wwith code block caption in TAdvCodeList Fixed : Issue with changing Enabled at design-time in TAdvSpinEdit Fixed : Issue with boolean filters for non-English Delphi in TDBAdvFilterPanel Fixed : Issue with badge positioning on buttons on ribbon Fixed : Issue with VCL styles based rendering in THTMLHint Fixed : Issue with TDBItemSource initialization Fixed : Issue when doing custom sort in Win64 in TAdvListView Fixed : Issue in TAdvSmoohtListBox with initializing time when using VCL styles Fixed : DPI calculation when parent form is not Scaled



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