
上传者: huzhouhzy | 上传时间: 2021-04-22 15:28:14 | 文件大小: 33.34MB | 文件类型: PDF
中文名: PowerShell脚本编写手册 原名: Windows Powershell Scripting Guide 作者: Ed Wilson 资源格式: PDF 版本: 影印版 出版社: Microsoft Press书号: 073562279发行时间: 2008年 地区: 美国 语言: 英文 内容简介: Get practical guidance for using Windows PowerShell to manage Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008. Written by Ed Wilson, a leading scripting expert and trainer at Microsoft, this reference offers a task-based approach to help you find the information you need for day-to-day tasks. With more than 200 scripts, it offers rich examples that administrators can customize for their own environment and needs. The scripts range in complexity from one-line commands, to full-blown scripts with managed output and command-line arguments examples that are applicable to all skill levels. Includes a companion CD with fully searchable eBook, sample scripts, and other resources for managing your Windows-based environment.Key Book Benefits Delivers more than 200 scripts administrators can customize and use to get up and running quickly Provides multiple ways of accomplishing tasks: from one-line commands to full-blown scripts with managed output and command-line arguments Features a task-oriented approach, and organized to help you quickly find the information you need for your day-to-day activities Includes a companion CD with a fully searchable eBook, sample scripts, and other resources for on-the-job results 目录: 1. The Shell in Windows Powershell. 2. Scripting Windows Powsershell 3. Managing Logs 4. Managing Services 5. Managing Shares 6. Managing Printing 7. Desktop Maintenance 8. Networking 9. Configuration Desktop Settings 10. Managing Post-Deployment Issues 11. Managing User Data 12. Troubleshooting Windows 13. Managing Domain Users 14. Configuring the Cluster Service 15. Managing Internet Information Services 16. Working with the Certificate Store 17. Managing the Terminal Services Service 18. Configuring Network Services 19. Working with Windows Server 2008 Server Core



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  • paddy525 :
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