A First Book Of C++ (4th Edition)

上传者: hughchai | 上传时间: 2021-09-14 20:22:37 | 文件大小: 36.12MB | 文件类型: PDF
The main goal of this fourth edition of A First Book of C++ remains the same as in previous editions: to introduce, develop, and reinforce well-organized programming skills using C++. All topics are presented in a clear, unambiguous, and accessible manner to beginning students. Students should be familiar with fundamental algebra, but no other prerequisites are assumed. Therefore, like the first three editions, this new edition begins by providing a strong foundation in structured programming. This foundation is then expanded to an object-oriented design and programming approach in a pedagogically sound, achievable progression. In addition to a number of minor changes throughout the book, the major changes in this edition are the following: • Part I has been restructured to include arrays, files, and pointers, so it can be used as the basis for a complete introductory semester course in C++. • The four chapters covering object-oriented programming have been revised and moved to Part II so that they form a logical continuation from structured programming to object-oriented programming. • More than 50 new exercises have been added, and all exercises are labeled to indicate their function (Review, Practice, Program, Modify, Debug, Desk check, or For thought). • Three new Chapter Supplements have been added to introduce the fundamentals of object-oriented design and the Unified Modeling Language (UML). • A complete set of case studies has been added and is available on the Cengage Web site, login.cengage.com, for instructors to distribute. The following features from the third edition have been retained: • Fundamentals of software engineering are discussed from both procedural and object-oriented viewpoints. • Each chapter contains a Common Programming Errors section that describes problems beginning C++ programmers typically encounter. • The ANSI/ISO C++ iostream library and namespace mechanism are used in all programs. • Exception handling is discussed in a separate s



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