数学资料合集 Math Complete

上传者: huahuogeng | 上传时间: 2024-03-01 16:57:37 | 文件大小: 183KB | 文件类型: TORRENT
几乎包含了数学领域的所有方向,诸多原版经典,并且按数学分支分门别类 书名列表 ====================================================== Algebra : A Computational Introduction To Number Theory And Algebra - Victor Shoups A course in computational algebraic number theory - Cohen A Course in Homological Algebra - P. Hilton, U. Stammbach A Course In Universal Algebra - S. Burris and H.P. Sankappanavar A First Course In Linear Algebra - Robert A. Beezer A First Course in Noncommutative Rings - T. Lam A Primer of Algebraic D-modules - S. Coutinho Abel's Theorem in Problems and Solutions - V.B. Alekseev Abstract Algebra - the Basic Graduate Year - R. Ash Advanced Modern Algebra - Joseph J. Rotman Algebra & Trigonometry Graphs & Models 3rd ed - Marvin L. Bittinger Algebra Abstract - Robert B. Ash Algebra Demystified - Rhonda Huettenmueller Algebra I Basic Notions Of Algebra - Kostrikin A I , Shafarevich I R Algebra Sucsess In 20 Minutes a Day - LearningExpress Algebraic D-modules - A. Borel et. al Algebraic Groups and Discontinuous Subgroups - A. Borel, G. Mostow Algebraic Surfaces and Holomorphic Vector Bundles - R. Friedman Algorithmic Algebra - B. Mishra Algorithms for Computer Algebra - K. Geddes, S. Czapor, G. Labahn An Elementary Approach to Homological Algebra - L. Vermani An Introduction To Linear Algebra - Kenneth Kuttler Applications of Abstract Algebra with MAPLE - R. Klima, N. Sigmon, E. Stitzinger Applied Linear Algebra And Matrix Analysis - Thomas S. Shores Applied Numerical Linear Algebra - James W. Demmel等等




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