
上传者: huabin7363 | 上传时间: 2021-07-03 13:38:32 | 文件大小: 22KB | 文件类型: RAR
edjpgcom is a free Windows application that allows you to change (or add) a JPEG commment in a JPEG file. That's all it does. All other fields in a JFIF or Exif file are left untouched. It even keeps the filesystem timestamp! It's based on the rdjpgcom and wrjpgcom utilities from the Independent JPEG Group's 6b distribution. (Heck, it's essentially these two programs combined with a basic dialog control.) Installation: ------------- Copy the executable egjpgcom.exe someplace convenient. It's completely self contained and uses no registry entries. Usage: ------ edjpgcom "filename.jpg" The quotes around the filename are *required* (Don't ask.) A dialog will popup. The text area will contain any existing comment text. You can cut and paste using the usual Ctrl-C, Ctrl-V, Ctrl-X. If you press OK, this text will be added to your file and a backup file will be created with the same name as your file but with a ".bak" added. If you don't want this backup file, check the 'Delete Backup?' checkbox. Of course pressing Cancel will exit without doing anything. If you want to delete a comment, just delete all the comment text. Edjpgcom will then delete the comment section. Now I don't really expect this program to be used from the command line. Instead, I assume that you will add it to either the external programs list of another editing/managment program OR add it to the context menu for JPEG files in windows. NOTE: Changing file associations akin to editing your registry. Be careful and be sure you know how to undo anything you might have done. For example, in Windows 98: * open Windows Explorer * View -> Folder Options * select the "File Types" tab * Find and select the JPG file type(s) NOTE: Sometimes you may not be able to find the JPG File types If this happens see below. * press the "Edit" button * press the "New" button * for the "Action:" enter Comment * for the "Application used..." enter "c:\full\path\to\edjpgcom.exe" "%1" where the quotes are im



[{"title":"( 4 个子文件 22KB ) edjpgcom|图片中插入一句话","children":[{"title":"edjpgcom.bat <span style='color:#111;'> 7B </span>","children":null,"spread":false},{"title":"readme.txt <span style='color:#111;'> 6.54KB </span>","children":null,"spread":false},{"title":"test.jpg <span style='color:#111;'> 19.19KB </span>","children":null,"spread":false},{"title":"edjpgcom.exe <span style='color:#111;'> 13.00KB </span>","children":null,"spread":false}],"spread":true}]


  • sunball850 :
  • wang812745312 :
    有说明就好了, 研究半天怎么用,拖拽 兄弟们
  • de33ell :
  • sjk94107 :
  • ourbest0 :


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