The Busy Coders Guide to Android Development最终版2019

上传者: hongyanjingayi | 上传时间: 2019-12-21 18:50:10 | 文件大小: 76.17MB | 文件类型: pdf
The Table of Contents Each bullet shown below represents a chapter. Use the search field in the nav bar to search all of the CommonsWare books to see what they hold! Key Android Concepts Choosing Your Development Toolchain Tutorial #1 - Installing the Tools Android and Projects Tutorial #2 - Creating a Stub Project Getting Around Android Studio Contents of Android Projects Introducing Gradle and the Manifest Tutorial #3 - Manifest Changes Some Words About Resources Icons Tutorial #4 - Adjusting Our Resources The Theory of Widgets The Android User Interface Basic Widgets Debugging Your App The Classic Container Classes Other Common Widgets and Containers Tutorial #5 - Creating a Layout GUI Building, Continued AdapterViews and Adapters The WebView Widget Defining and Using Styles Dependencies Tutorial #6 - Adding a Library Introducing ConstraintLayout RecyclerView The Action Bar Vector Drawables Tutorial #7 - Setting Up the Action Bar Android’s Process Model Activities and Their Lifecycles Tutorial #8 - Setting Up An Activity The Tactics of Fragments Tutorial #9 - Starting Our Fragments Swiping with ViewPager Tutorial #10 - Rigging Up a ViewPager Resource Sets and Configurations Material Design Basics Dealing with Threads Requesting Permissions Assets, Files, and Data Parsing Tutorial #11 - Adding Simple Content Tutorial #12 - Displaying the Book Using Preferences Tutorial #13 - Using Some Preferences SQLite Databases Tutorial #14 - Saving Notes Internet Access Intents, Intent Filters Broadcasts and Broadcast Receivers Tutorial #15 - Sharing Your Notes Services and the Command Pattern Tutorial #16 - Updating the Book Tutorial #17 - Supporting Large Screens Backwards Compatibility Strategies and Tactics System Services Google Play Services Getting Help Working with Library Modules Gradle and Tasks Gradle Build Variants Manifest Merger Rules Signing Your App Distribution Writing a Gradle Plugin Code Generation Advanced Gradle for Android Tips Testing with JUnit4 Testin




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