[.Net混淆利器] Red Gate SmartAssembly Professional

上传者: gattaca2011 | 上传时间: 2024-08-31 11:01:56 | 文件大小: 3.19MB | 文件类型: 7Z
☆ 资料说明: ☆ Red Gate SmartAssembly Professional 最新版 压缩包内包含安装程序和注册机; ☆ 注册方法: ☆ 1. 断网 2. 运行 SmartAssembly ,点击左侧 Tools -> Enter Serial Number 3. 运行注册机,复制注册机生成的序列号,粘贴到 SmartAssembly 中的激活输入框 4. 点击激活按钮,此时弹出错误提示“无法连接到...”,点击手动激活按钮,弹出手动激活界面 5. 将 SmartAssembly 中的激活请求字符串复制,粘贴到注册机第二个文本框中,复制第三个文本框的激活应答字符串,粘贴到 SmartAssembly 手动激活界面右边文本框中 6. 点击激活按钮,激活成功 ^_^ ☆ 英文简介: ☆ SmartAssembly is a .NET obfuscator, error reporting, and feature usage reporting tool designed to help .NET developers produce better quality applications. This all-round solution will obfuscate and protect your .NET code, and add powerful error-reporting and feature-usage reporting capabilities to your application. Code Obfuscation Worried about other people reverse-engineering your software? Obfuscate and protect your code before releasing it into the wild. Automated Error Reporting About to ship a new version of your software but not sure how it will fare in the field? Get error reports on your beta product, fix bugs, and build a reputation for delivering robust software. Feature Usage Reporting Wondering which platforms you need to support, or which features you should concentrate your development efforts on? Receive feature usage reports to help prioritize your work.




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