
上传者: fsyx_hua | 上传时间: 2022-03-25 13:48:15 | 文件大小: 27KB | 文件类型: -
摘要: 本文开展了作为电子鼻硬件平台的气体传感器阵列测试系统和高灵敏度甲烷检测系统的研究。研制成功的低功耗高灵敏度甲烷检测系统具有低功耗、智能化的特点,采用电池供电,LCD显示和USB接口,操作方便。检测仪硬件由微结构金属氧化物气体传感器阵列、气体进样装置及高速SOC单片机为核心的信号处理电路组成。在硬件设计中,着重于低功耗电路的设计,采用低功率器件和省电管理模式,使整个系统的工作功率低于1.5 W。 关键字: 检测系统; 低功耗; 甲烷; 单片机 ZHENG Yao-tian (Physics & Electronic Engineering Department, Hanshan Teachers College, Chaozhou 521041) Abstract: In this paper, the gas sensor array testing system and the portable methane detector were studied. A low cost sensitive methane detector was designed. The detector, with LCD display, USB interface and battery supply shows good characteristics in its small size, low power consumption and high accuracy. The hardware of the detector consists of a metal oxide micro gas sensor array, gas sampling apparatus and a signal processing unit with high speed SoC microprocessor. The low power chips were used to insure that the whole system power is under 1.5W. Keywords: Detector System; Low Cost; Methane; SoC 中图分类号:TP126 文献标识码:A




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