ChromeDriver v2.24 for windows linux and mac (2016-09-09)

上传者: elivinger | 上传时间: 2021-11-30 11:31:56 | 文件大小: 13.67MB | 文件类型: -
chromedriver,v2.24,支持chrome v52-54. ----------ChromeDriver v2.24 (2016-09-09)---------- Supports Chrome v52-54 Resolved issue 1497: GetLog fails when the current window is closed [['OS-All', 'Pri-0']] Resolved issue 1495: ChromeDriver crashes with "Check failed: !page_load_strategy_.empty()" [['OS-All', 'Pri-0']] Resolved issue 1463: SessionNotCreatedException: Runtime.evaluate missing 'wasThrown' on Chrome 54+ [['OS-All', 'Pri-0']] Resolved issue 1484: SendKeys of a Tab Key has no effect in Chrome 53 [['OS-All', 'Pri-1']] Resolved issue 1431: GetLog command does not work for Chrome 54+ [['OS-All', 'Pri-1']] Resolved issue 1411: sendKeys generates events that are missing some fields [['OS-All', 'Pri-1']] Resolved issue 1451: Chrome 54+ session not created exception: Runtime.executionContextCreated has invalid 'context' [['Pri-1']] Resolved issue 984: Extend ChromeDriver capabilities to cover network throttling feature from Chrome DevTools [['OS-All', 'Pri-2']] Resolved issue 1454: Net::ReadTimeout error on launching Canary v54 through RemoteWebDriver [[]] ----------ChromeDriver v2.23 (2016-08-04)---------- Supports Chrome v51-53 Resolved issue 1378: Android 6: Intitialization of Chrome driver fails when Chrome/Webview process is in running (R) state [['OS-Android', 'Pri-1']] Resolved issue 1379: Chromedriver does not catch all available browser console log entries [['OS-All', 'Pri-2']] ----------ChromeDriver v2.22 (2016-06-06)---------- Supports Chrome v49-52 Resolved issue 1348: Timeout error while navigating to URL on Chrome 51+ [['OS-All', 'Pri-0']] Resolved issue 1381: Timeout error occurs when alert dialog is displayed on Chrome 52+ [['OS-All', 'Pri-1', 'merge-merged-2743']] Resolved issue 1339: Failure when executing JS in a content script context [['OS-All', 'Pri-1']] Resolved issue 1387: ChromeDriver hangs when calling driver.get() for same-process navigations [['OS-All', 'Pri-1']] Resolved issue 1365: Touch emulation is not working under mobile emulation



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