
上传者: drzhangx | 上传时间: 2021-10-05 03:27:44 | 文件大小: 1.62MB | 文件类型: -
QCC5125 VFBGA is a system on-chip (SoC) with on-chip Bluetooth, audio and programmable application processor.
It includes high-performance, analog, and digital audio codecs, Class-AB and Class-D audio drivers, advanced
power management, Li-ion battery charger, light-emitting diode (LED) drivers, and flexible interfaces including interintegrated circuit sound (I²S), inter-integrated circuit interface (I²C), universal asynchronous receiver transmitter
(UART), and programmable input/output (PIO).
An application-dedicated Developer Processor and a system Firmware Processor run code from an external quad
serial peripheral interface (QSPI) flash. Both processors have tightly coupled memory (TCM) and an on-chip cache
for performance while executing from external flash memory. The system Firmware Processor provides functions
developed by Qualcomm Technologies International, Ltd. (QTIL). The Developer processor provides flexibility to the
product designer to customize their product.
The Audio subsystem contains a programmable Kalimba core running Qualcomm® Kymera™ system DSP
architecture framework from read only memory (ROM). A range of audio processing capabilities are provided from
ROM which are configurable in fully flexible audio graphs. In built capabilities in ROM, may be complimented or
replaced by capabilities run from random access memory (RAM), including those provided by QTIL, the product
designer or third parties.
The flexibility provided by the fully programmable applications processor plus the ability to configure and program the
audio processors enables manufacturers to easily differentiate products with new features.
QCC5125 VFBGA is driven by a flexible, software platform with powerful integrated development environment (IDE)
support. This enables rapid time-to-market deployment for a broad range of consumer electronic products, including
audio, wireless speaker, Qualcomm TrueWireless, and broadcast audio for stereo speaker arrangements.




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