Visual C++ 2010入门经典.pdf(带书签版)

上传者: defonds | 上传时间: 2021-07-18 10:24:00 | 文件大小: 46.86MB | 文件类型: PDF
英文名《Ivor Horton's Beginning Visual C++ 2010》,作者:【美】Ivor Horton,本书是为英文版,PDF 格式,大小 47Mb。本资源 pdf 带有书签,方便读者阅读。 Ivor Horton 写的 《Visual C++ 2008入门经典》.pdf 中文版下载地址:。 内容简介: The leading author of programming tutorials for beginners introduces you to Visual C++ 2010 Ivor Horton is the preeminent author of introductory programming language tutorials; previous editions of his Beginning Visual C++ have sold nearly 100,000 copies. This book is a comprehensive introduction to both the Standard C++ language and to Visual C++ 2010; no previous programming experience is required. All aspects of the 2010 release are covered, including changes to the language and the C++ standard.. Microsoft Visual C++ is one of the most popular C++ development environments and compilers, used by hundreds of thousands of developers Ivor Horton's approach to programming tutorials has achieved a huge following; this book gives beginning programmers a comprehensive introduction to both Standard C++ and Visual C++ 2010 Covers all the language changes in Visual C++ 2010, library additions, new MFC features, changes in the Visual Studio development environment, and more Also includes a brief introduction to programming for multicore processors in native C++ and C++/CLR processors Nearly 100,000 copies of this book have been sold in previous editions Beginners seeking a complete education in Visual C++ will find everything they need in Ivor Horton's Beginning Visual C++ 2010.



  • yzt1228 :
  • wenpinglaoyao :
  • yuhuikeji1234 :
    不错的一本书啊 .谢谢分享!
  • ahui1 :
  • redchenwei :
    pdf 清晰版本


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