matlab 两点距离

上传者: dawatuji | 上传时间: 2021-04-16 15:19:00 | 文件大小: 2KB | 文件类型: RAR
本函数旨在实现图像中求两点之间的距离 function [dist,phaseangle] = distance(lat,lon,units) % SW_DIST Distance between two lat,lon coordinates %=================================================================== % SW_DIST $Revision: 1.4 $ $Date: 1994/10/10 04:55:23 $ % Copyright (C) CSIRO, Phil Morgan & Steve Rintoul 1992. % % USAGE: [dist,phaseangle] = distance(lat,lon {,units} ) % % DESCRIPTION: % Calculate distance between two positions on glode using the "Plane % Sailing" method. Also uses simple geometry to calculate the bearing of % the path between position pairs. % % INPUT: % lat = decimal degrees (+ve N, -ve S) [- 90.. +90] % lon = decimal degrees (+ve E, -ve W) [-180..+180] % units = optional string specifing units of distance % 'nm' = nautical miles (default) % 'km' = kilometres % % OUTPUT: % dist = distance between positions in units % phaseangle = angle of line between stations with x axis (East). % Range of values are -180..+180. (E=0, N=90, S=-90) % % AUTHOR: Phil Morgan and Steve Rintoul 92-02-10 % % DISCLAIMER: % This software is provided "as is" without warranty of any kind. % See the file sw_copy.m for conditions of use and licence. % % REFERENCE: % The PLANE SAILING method as descriibed in "CELESTIAL NAVIGATION" 1989 by % Dr. P. Gormley. The Australian Antartic Division.



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