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IT项目管理 第六版课本之课后答案,供参考解答。望君以理解为主
Table of contentsCHAPTER I2CHAPTER 24CHAPTER 36CHAPTER 47CHAPTER 5CHAPTER 620CHAPTER 724chaPteR 829ChAPTER 9CHAPTER 10CHAPTER 1137CHAPTER 1240APPEnDIX A42APPENDIX B47APPENDIX CList of solution files available and referenced in this document, in alphabetical orderName▲Size TypeEnseExA-2289 KB Microsoft office Project Document5BEXA-3270 KB Microsoft Office Project Document22J5eExA-4337 KB Microsoft Office Project Document国appC1313 KB Microsoft office Excel Worksheet图ex4216 KB Microsoft office Excel 97-2003 Worksheet图ex-323 KB Microsoft Office Excel 97-2003 Worksheet4 Kb Microsoft Office Excel 97-2003 Worksheet国x4525 KB Microsoft Office Excel 97-2003 Worksheete×5-221 KB Microsoft Office Power Point 97-2003 PresentationElex5-3123 KB Microsoft Office Project Document152 KB Microsoft Office Project Document已区区ex7-519 KB Microsoft Office Excel 97-2003 Worksheet17 KB Microsoft office Excel 97-2003 Worksheet20 KB Microsoft OFfice Excel 97-2003 Worksheet16 KB Microsoft office Excel 97-2003 Worksheet16 KB Microsoft office Excel 97-2003 Worksheet16 KB Microsoft office Excel 97-2003 Worksheel17 KB Microsoft office Excel 97-2003 Worksheetrung17 KB Microsoft office Excel 97-2003 WorksheetEfrun5-4123 KB Microsoft Office Project Document131 Kb Microsoft OFfice Project DocumentE179 KB Microsoft office Project Document21 KB Microsoft office Excel 97-2003 Worksheet国run7-221 KB Microsoft office Excel 97-2003 Worksheet17 KB Microsoft office Excel 97-2003 Worksheet国run114 KB Microsoft Office Excel 97-2003 Worksheet图run917 KB Microsoft office Excel 97-2003 Worksheet图run11115 KB Microsoft office Excel 97-2003 Worksheet图run12215 KB Microsoft Office Excel 97-2003 Worksheetes1video1-215 KB Microsoft office Excel 97-2003 Worksheet图vdeo1317 KB Microsoft office Excel 97-2003 Worksheet图wde2-3141 KB Microsoft Office Project Document155 KB Microsoft Office Project Documentesvideo4-22 KB Microsoft office Excel 97-2003 Worksheet四vde04220 KB Microsoft oFfice Excel 97-2003 Worksheet图vde5-317 KB Microsoft office Excel 97-2003 WorksheetEshlvideo6-114 KB Microsoft Office Excel 97-2003 Worksheet到vde6218 KB Microsoft office Excel 97-2003 WorksheetInformation Technology Project Management, Sixth Edition学霸助手[xuebazhushou.com-课后答案期末试卷|复习提纲CHAPTER 1Introduction to Project ManagementDISCUSSION OUESTTONS1. Why is there a new or renewed interest in the field of project management?More and more projects are being done by a variety of organizations. The projects are more complex andoften involve the use of new technologies. Organizations are struggling to find better ways to manage theirprojects.2. What is a project, and what are its main attributes? How is a project different from what most people do intheir day-Lo-day jobs? What is the triple constraint?a project is"a temporary endeavor undertaken to create a unique product, service, or result"(PMBOKGuide, 2008, p. 5). In addition to being temporary and unique, other attributes ofprojects are that they aredeveloped using progressive elaboration, require resources from various areas, should have a primary customeror sponsor, and involve uncertainty. Projects are different from day-to-day activities primarily because theyhave focused goals and definite beginning and ending dates. The triple constraint is managing scope, time, andcost goals3. What is project management? Briefly describe the project management framework, providing examples ofstakeholders, knowledge areas, tools and techniques, and project success factorsProject managerment is"the application ofknowledge, skills, tools, and techniques lo project activities in orderLo meet project requirements"(PMBOK Guide, 2008, p 9). The project management framework graphicallyshows the process of beginning with stakeholders needs and expectations, applying the nine projectmanagement know ledge areas and various tools and techniques to lead to project success and then enterprisesuccess. For example, if a project were to implement an ERP system for a large company, the stakeholderswould include managers and users from many different departments( finance, manufacturing, human resourcesIT, etc. ) all nine knowledge areas would be important, numerous tools and techniques would be applied(seeTable 1-1), and project success might be based on implement key functions by a certain time for a certain costor having the new system pay for itself within a certain time period4. What is a program? What is a project portfolio? Discuss the relationship between projects, programs, andportfolio management and the contributions they each make to enterprise successa program is"a group of projects managed in a coordinated way to obtain benefits and control not availablefrom managing them individually(Pmbok Guide, 2008, p 9) Project portfolio management focuses onmanaging projects as is as a portfolio of investments that contribute to the entire enterprises success. Projectsare part of programs which are part of portfolios5. What is the role of the project manager? What are suggested skills for all project managers and forinformation technology project managers? Why is leadership so important for project managers? How isthe job market for information technology project managers?The project manager is ultimately responsible for project success. Many suggested skills are listed in thischapter, including strong leadership skills, organizational skills, technical skills, and many sof skills. ITproject managers require the same skills as general project managers, but they should also know somethingabout the technology used for the project and the types of people who work on information technology projectsLeading by example is the most important trait of effective project managers. The job market for informationogy project managers continues to remain strong, especially for those with strong business andleadership skills6. Briefly describe some key events in the history of project management. What role does the ProjectManagement Institute and other professional societies play in helping the professionSome people say that building the egyptian pyramids or the great wall of China were projects, but modernproject management began with the Manhattan Project or development of the atomic bomb. That project tookabout three years and cost almost s2 billion in 1946 and had a separate project manager and technical managerGantt charts were first used in 1917, and network diagrams were used in 1958. PMi is the main professionalsociety for project managers, and they run the PMP certification programInformation Technology Project Management, Sixth Edition学霸助手[xuebazhushou.com-课后答案期末试卷|复习提纲7. What function can you perform with project management software? What are some popular names of lowend, midrange, and high-end project management tools?Project managenent software can assist in developing schedules, communicating information, trackinprogress, etc. Popular tools include milestones Simplicity, Project 2007, and the microsoft Enterprise ProjectManagement solution to name a fewEXERCISESAnswers to all of these exercises will vary. The main purpose of these exercises is to have students begindoing some independent research to further explore the field of project management. You could have studentsdiscuss the results of these exercises in class to enhance participation, assign some for homework, or do bothInformation Technology Project Management, Sixth Edition学霸助手[xuebazhushou.com-课后答案期末试卷|复习提纲CHAPTER 2The project management and lnformation technology contextDISCUSSION OUESTIONS1. What does it mean to take a systems view of a project? How does taking a systems view of a project applyto project management?Taking a systems view means looking at the big picture ofhow a particular project fits into the rest of theorganization. It is important for project managers to understand the broader organizational environment toensure their projects meet organizational needs2. Explain the four frames of organizations. How can they help project managers understand theorganizational context for their projects?The four frames of organizations are summarized belowStructural: deal with how the organization is structures and focus on roles and responsibilities. Itsimportant to understand these roles and responsibilities when dealing with project stakeholdersespecially in procuring resourcesHuman resources: focuses on meeting the needs of the organization and its people. Project managersmust understand various human resources policies and proceduresPolitical: addresses organizational and personal politics. Many project managers fail because they donot understand the political environment.Symbolic: focuses on symbols and meanings. It's important to understand an organizations culturedress code, work ethic, and so on in managing projects3. Briefly explain the diferences between functional, matrix, and projecl organizations. Describe how eachstructure affects the management of the projectFunctional organizations have managers or vice presidents in specialties such as engineering, manufacturing,information technology, and so on. Their staffs have specialized skills in their respective disciplines. Projectorganizations have project managers instead of functional managers reporting to the CEO. matrixorganizations represent the middle ground between functional and project structures. Personnel often report toboth a functional manager and one or more project managers. Project managers have the most authority inproject organizational structures followed by matrix, and then functional4. Describe how organizational culture is related to project management. What type of culture promotes astrong project environment?Organizational culture is a set of shared assumptions, values, and behaviors that characterize the functioning ofproject management and follows the guidelines for applying it, it will be much easier to practice good projedan organization. This culture can definitely impact project management. For example, if an organization valuesmanagement. Project work is most successful in an organizational culture where employees identify morewith the organization, where work activities emphasize groups, and where there is strong unit integration, highisk tolerance, perfornance-based rewards, high conflict tolerance, an openl-systerns focus, and a balancedfocus on people, control, and means-orientation5. Discuss the importance of top management commitment and the development of standards for successfulproject management. Provide examples to illustrate the importance of these items based on yourexperience on any type of projectTop management commitment is the number one factor associated with the success of information technologyprojects, so it's very important to get and maintain this support. Top management can help project managersget adequate resources, approve unique project needs. get cooperation from other parts of the organization, andprovide support as a mentor and coach to project managers. Examples will vary6. What are the phases in a traditional project life cycle? How does a project life cycle differ from a productlife cycle? why does a project manager need to understand both?A traditional project life cycle is a collection of project phases-concept, development, implementation, andclose-out. These phases do not vary by project. Product life cycles vary tremendously based on the nature ofInformation Technology Project Management, Sixth Edition学霸助手[xuebazhushou.com-课后答案期末试卷|复习提纲the project. For example, the Systems Development Life Cycle (SDLC) could follow the waterfall modelspiral model incremental release model, prototyping model, or RAD model. Using the general phases of theSDLC (information systems planning, analysis, design, implementation, and support)there could be a projectto develop a strategic information systems plan; another project to complete a systems analysis for a newsystem; another project to create a detailed database design; another to install new hardware or software, andanother to provide new user training7. What makes information technology projects different from other types of projects? How should projectmanagers adjust to these differences?it projects are different from other types of projects because they can be very diverse in terms of size andcomplexity, they often include leam members with very diverse backgrounds and skills, and he technologiesinvolved are also very diverse. Project managers should adjust to these differences by paying careful attentionto the goals of the project and the needs of various stakeholdersDefine globalization, outsourcing, and virtual teams and describe how these trends are changing IT projectmanagementGlobalization has created a"flat " world where everyone is connected and the "playing field"is level for manying is wheds and/or soVirtual teams occur when a group of individuals who work across time and space using communicationtechnologies. Each of these trends has affected the way in which project work is done and how projects need tobe managed. It is very rare for a project team to sit in the same work area and work at the same timeManagement and coordination is much more complicatedEXERCISESAnswers to all of these exercises will varyInformation Technology Project Management, Sixth Edition学霸助手[xuebazhushou.com-课后答案期末试卷|复习提纲chaPTER 3The Project Management Process Groups: A Case StudyDISCUSSION QUESTIONS1. Briefly describe what happens in each of the five project management process groups (initiating planningexecuting, monitoring and controlling, and closing). What types of activities are done before initiatingproject?Descriptions of what happens in each of the five process groups are listed below:Initiating includes actions to commit to begin or end projects and projecl phases. Some deliverablesinclude defining the business need for the project, getting a project sponsor, and selecting a projectPlanning includes creating workable plans for the entire project. Every knowledge area requiresdevelopment of some plansExecuting involves coordinating everyone and everything to carry out the project plans. Deliverablesinclude the products of the project or phaseMonitoring and controlling ensures the project objectives are met. Deliverables include monitoringand measuring progress and taking corrective actionClosing involves bringing the project to an orderly end. deliverables include organizational processassets updates and closed procurementsBefore initiating a project, organizations often determine high-level scope, time, and cost constraints for aproject, identify the project sponsor, select the project manager, and develop a business case for the project, toname a fewApproximately how much time do good project managers spend on each process group and whyAndy Crowe's research found that alpha project managers spend about 2% of their time initialing, 21%planning, 69% executing, 5% monitoring and controlling, and 3% closing projects. The most time should bespent on executing, followed by planning3. Why do organizations need to tailor project management concepts, such as those found in the PMBOK(RGuide to create their own methodologies?Organizations have different ways of doing things, so they often develop their own methodologies4. What are some of the key outputs of each process groupSee the tables for each process group. Examples might include a charter, a project management plan,deliverables, performance reports, and closed procurements5. What are some of the typical challenges project teams face during each of the five process groups?Answers will vary. Suggestions might include setting priorities during initiating, getting stakeholder inputsduring planning, meeting schedule deadlines during execution, collecting timely data during monitoring andcontrolling, and defining good procedures during project closingEXERCIESAnswers to all of these exercises will varyInformation Technology Project Management, Sixth Edition学霸助手[xuebazhushou.com-课后答案期末试卷|复习提纲ChAPTER 4Project Integration managementDISCUSSION QUESTIONS1. Describe project integration management in your own words. How does project integration managementrelate to the project life cycle, stakeholders, and the other project management knowledge areas?Project integration management means tying together all of the other aspects involved in a project to make it asuccess. Integration management relates to the project life cycle in that it is done in all of the project lifecycle phases. As the project progresses, integration management becomes more focused. Integrationmanagement relates to stakeholders because it requires the project manager to know all of the projectstakeholders, to know their interests and concerns about the project, and to manage relationships with themIntegration management pulls together information from all of the other knowledge areas2. Briefly describe the strategic planning process, including a SWOT analysis. Which project selectionmethod(s)do you think organizations use most often for justifying information technology projectsA SWOT analysis involves identifying and evaluating an organizations strengths, weaknesses, opportunitiesand threats. Afer identifying strategic goals, the next step in the planning process for selecting informaLiontechnology projects is to perform a business area analysis. This analysis outlines business processes that arecentral to achieving strategic goals and helps determine which ones could most benefit from informationtechnology. Then, the next step is to start defining potential information technology projects, their scorbenefits, and constraints. The last step in the planning process for selecting information technology projects ischoosing which projects to do and assigning resources for working on them. Answers will vary on the secondpart of the question. All of the project section methods are used3. Summarize key work involved in each of the six processes for project integration managementProject integration management includes the following processesDeveloping the project charter involves working with stakeholders to create the document that formally authorizes aproject. Project charters can have different formats, but they should include basic project information and signaturesof key stakeholders.Developing the project management plan involves coordinating all planning efforts to create a consistentcoherent document--the project management plan. The main purpose of project plans is to facilitateactionDirecting and managing project execution involves carrying out the project plans by performing theactivities included in it Project plan execution should require the majority of a projects budget.Monitoring and controlling project work is needed to meet the performance objectives of the project. Theproject team should continuously monitor project performance to assess the overall health of the projectPerforming integrated change control involves coordinating changes that affect the projects deliverables andorganizational process assets. change control system often includes a change control board( CCB)configuration management, and a process for communicating changesClosing the project or phase involves finalizing all project or phase activities. It is important to follow goodprocedures to ensure that all project activities are completed and that the project sponsor acceptsdelivery of the final products, services, or results of the project.4. Fither from your own experience or by searching the Internet, describe a well-planned and executedproject. Describe a disastrous project. What were some of the main differences between these projects?Answers will vary. Several examples are provided in the text, especially in the What Went right and Wrong sections5. Discuss the importance of following a well-integrated change control process on information technologyprojects. What do you think of the suggestions made in this chapter? Think of three additional suggestionsfor integrated change control on information technology projectsInformation Technology Project Management, Sixth Edition学霸助手[xuebazhushou.com-课后答案期末试卷|复习提纲Answers will vary. One answer might be that it is important to follow a good integrated change controlprocess on information technology projects to avoid scope creep incompatibility problems, and to makeeffective use ofresources and new technologies. Additional suggestions for managing integrated changeontrol might include locating key project stakeholders, assigning users to project teams, and providing team-based incentives for effectively managing project changesEXERCIES1. Write a one-to two-page paper based on the opening case. Answer the following questionsa. What do you think the real problem was in this caseb Does the case present a realistic scenario? why or why not?C. Was Nick Carson a good project manager? Why or why not?d. what could Nick have done to be a better project manager?e. What should top management have done to help nick?SOLUTION: Answers will vary Make sure students justify their responses. For example, they could saythat nick was a good project manager because he got the job done. They could say he was not a goodproject manager because he was too technical and did not get along well with senior management. (NoteNick is the author,s younger brother, and everything except the last line of the case is totally true2. Download a free trial of mind mapping software and create a mind map of a SWOT analysis for yourorganization or your personal life. Include at least two strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threatsand ideas for at least three potential projectsAnswers will vary3. Use spreadsheet software to create figures 4-4 through 4-7 in this text. Make sure your formulas workcorrectlySee the files provided4. Perform a financial analysis for a project using the format provided in Figure 4-5. Assume the projectedcosts and benefits for this project are spread over four years as follows: Estimated costs are $200,000 inyear I and $30,000 each year in years 2, 3, and 4. Estimated benefits are SO in year I and $100,000 eachyear in years 2, 3, and 4. Use a 9 percent discount rate and round the discount factors to two decimalplaces. Create a spreadsheet (or use the business case financials template provided on the companion Website)lo calculate and clearly display the npv, rol, and year in which payback occurs. In addition, write aparagraph explaining whether you would recommend investing in this project, based on your financialDiscount rat9.00%Assume the project is completed in Year o023 TotalCosts200,00030,00030.00030000Dis count factor1.000.920.840.77Discounted costs200,00027,60025,20023,100275,900Benefits0100,000100,000100,000Dis count factor0.920.840.77Discounted benefits092,00084,00077,000253,000Dis counted benefits-costs200.000644005880053900(22900)NPVCumulative benefits-costs(20,00(135600)(76,800)(22,900)rolThe NPv and roi are both negative, and payback does not occur. Based on the financials, this project is not agood investment.5. Create a weighted scoring model to determine grades for a course Final grades are based on three examsworth 20%0, 15%, and 25%o, respectively, homework is worth 15%; and a group project is worth 25%Enter scores for three students. Assume Student 1 earns 100%(or 100)on every item. Assume Student 2earns 70%o on each of the exams, 80o on the homework, and 95% on the group project. Assume Student 3earns 90%on Exam 1, 80%on Exam 2, 75% on Exam 3, 80% on the homework, and 70%o on the groupInformation Technology Project Management, Sixth Edition学霸助手[xuebazhushou.com-课后答案期末试卷|复习提纲