Art and Science of Analog Circuit Design

上传者: bradpitt119 | 上传时间: 2022-09-30 19:08:25 | 文件大小: 25.61MB | 文件类型: PDF
This book continues the approach originated in an earlier effort, "Analog Circuit Design—Art, Science, and Personalities." In that booktwenty-six authors presented tutorial, historical, and editorial viewpoints on subjects related to analog circuit design. The book encouraged readers to develop their own approach to design. It attempted this by presenting the diver gent methods and views of people who had achieved some measure of success in the field. A complete statement of this approach was contained in the first book's preface, which is reprinted here (immediately follow ing) for convenience. The surprisingly enthusiastic response to the first book has resulted in this second effort. This book is similar in spirit, but some changes have occurred. The most obvious difference is that almost all contributors are new recruits. This seems a reasonable choice: new authors withnew things to say, hopefully augmenting the first book's message. Although accomplished, some of this book's writers aresignificantly younger and have less experience at analog design than the previous book's authors. This is deliberate, and an attempt to maintain a balanced and divergent forum unencumbered by an agingpriesthood. A final difference is the heavy capitalistic and marketeering influence in many of the chapters. This unplanned emphasis is at center stage in sections by Grant, Williams, Brown, and others, and appears in most chapters. The influenceof economics was present in parts of the earlier book, but is much more pronounced here. The pristine pursuit of circuit




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