da14580 蓝牙鼠标例程

上传者: babyfeng | 上传时间: 2021-08-23 18:47:58 | 文件大小: 1.77MB | 文件类型: ZIP
Dialog’s Bluetooth Smart wireless mouse reference design is built on its world-leading DA14580 Bluetooth Smart device. The design takes advantage of the DA14580’s capabilities to give excellent battery lifetime and a low Bill of Materials (BoM). The reference design includes all necessary hardware, software and documentation to design a mouse, guaranteeing fastest time-to-market with minimal development investment and effort. The software is provided in source code and offers wide flexibility to customize the mouse and wireless connection parameters according the application’s needs. Features Laser optical sensor with resolution up to 3200cpi and multi-stage power management for optimal performance with minimal power consumption Full range of mouse buttons (Left, Right, Middle) and precise mouse scroll wheel navigation Fast response to key events Simultaneous key-press Highly integrated design, allows for very low external components count (BoM. Powers from a single AA alkaline or NiMH battery Double the battery lifetime of current available solutions EEPROM functionality for storing link keys Supports connection to multiple hosts All key parameters are SW customizable Programmable time to enter deep-sleep when in inactivity Wake-up from deep-sleep on any key event or mouse movement Interoperability with all major operating systems: Win 8.1, iOS7 and Android 4.3 and beyond WHQL certifiable



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