The Illustrated Wavelet Transform Handbook

上传者: artemis_melete | 上传时间: 2022-01-11 11:07:50 | 文件大小: 26.77MB | 文件类型: -
nicely organized and thoroughly pedagogical handbook … The book is very much 'figure driven' and they are extremely useful for illustrating the mathematics and conveying the concepts in an uncomplicated matter … an eminently readable style in motivating and explaining wavelets throughout the course … this book, written as it is in a simple, forthright, and stimulating manner with balanced blend will prove a worthy addition to the understanding of wavelet transforms across disciplines. -Guruprasad Madhavan, Stony Brook Heart Center, IEEE-EMBS The book works on two levels: it is an excellent introduction for readers new to wavelet transforms, and it is a useful source of information and some inspiration to anyone who has been working in the field for some time. … The book presents the field in an authoritative way but not too deeply. It has been designed as an overview and introduction to this dynamic area of computational analysis, and it achieves this with complete success. To conclude, I found this a thought provoking book on a fascinating subject: in fact once into the text I found it hard to put down. -Dr. K.O. Jones, Measurement+Control, Vol. 36/7, Sept. 2003 The book is extremely well put together and lavishly illustrated (as one might infer from the title). … I largely enjoyed reading this book and I strongly recommend it to anyone with an interest in wavelets, or in the general field of signal processing for that matter. -Keith Worden, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 274 (2004) 1135-1136 The book … provide[s] the reader with an overview of theory and practical applications of wavelet transforms methods, a new time-frequency decomposition tool for data analysis … The book can be recommended to the people interested above all in applications in science, engineering, medicine, finance, or elsewhere. An account of the theory of continuous and discrete wavelet transforms, with a large number of examples of their use across a wide range of disciplines, is convenient both for newcomers to the subject ad readers already acquainted with wavelets methods working in particular area of application. -Miloslav Duchori Illustrations really do help in understanding wavelet transforms. It might be taken for granted that illustrations can aid in the understanding of a subject matter as this, but there is sound logical reasoning behind this claim that makes it especially true for this particular subject matter and also a great motivation for the text. This handbook goes the distance and shows that wavelet transforms are powerful data analysis tools that readily lend themselves to intuitive visual analysis and graphical representation, both of which can be critical to correct analysis in practice. -Raymond Martin



  • wgxcow :
    好书 还是文字版。就是分太高^_^。我做了一个带书签的版本放在csdn上了。


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