UML Specification

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UML Specification pdf文档,全书796页

This specification defines the Unified Modeling Language (UML), revision 2.The objective of UML is to provide
system architects, software engineers, and software developers with tools for analysis, design, and implementation of
|software-based systems as well as for modeling business and similar processes.
The initial versions of UML(UML 1) originated with three leading object-oriented methods (Booch,OMT,and OOSE),
and incorporated a number of best practices from modeling language design, object-oriented programming,and
architectural description languages.Relative to UML 1,this revision of UML has been enhanced with significantly
more precise definitions of its abstract syntax rules and semantics,a more modular language structure,and a greatly
improved capability for modeling large-scale systems.
One of the primary goals of UML is to advance the state of the industry by enabling object visual modeling tool
interoperability.However, to enable meaningful exchange of model information between tools,agreement on semantic
and syntax is required. UMLmeets the following requirements:
· A formal definition of a common MOF-based metamodel that specifies the abstract syntax of the UML.The
abstract syntax defines the set of UMLmodeling concepts,their attributes and their relationships,as well as the
rules for combining these concepts to construct partial or complete UMLmodels.
A detailed explanation of the semantics of each UMLmodeling concept.The semantics define, in a
technology-independent manner,how the UML concepts are to be realized by computers.
A specification of the human-readable notation elements for representing the individual UMLmodeling
concepts as well as rules for combining them into a variety of different diagram types corresponding to
different aspects of modeled systems.
Unified Modeling Language 2.5.1




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